New US-patent a break-through for Nutri Pharma

Oslo, 1st of November, 2000. The Scandinavian biotech company Nutri Pharma has, after a more than five year long process, been granted a patent in the US. The patent covers Nutri Pharma’s special technique of combining soy proteins, fibres, and lipids that can be used to lower the level of cholesterol.

“ The new patent implies a break-through for us in the US market, and adds significant competitive strength to our product line”, says Michael Oredsson, CEO of Nutri Pharma.

Nutri Pharma is a world leading Research Company focused on how to use modified soy in preventing life-style-related illnesses like obesity, high level of cholesterol, and diabetes 2.

During more than ten years, the company has carried out research in co-operation with leading Nordic and other international hospitals and universities. Even if Nutri Pharma’s products are aimed at the functional food-market, all research has been carried out in compliance with existing strict medical principles. Large parts of the research have been published in scientific journals, and it has also been patented.

“Step by step we consolidate our position as a world leader within our market segment. The patent in the USA just shows that we are on the right track”, says Michael Oredsson.
The patent is important, not just to increase Nutri Pharma’s opportunities on the world’s largest market, USA, within the Company’s focus area, but also when it comes to Nutri Pharma’s chances of signing license agreements with large, global companies.

Already today, Nutri Pharma has agreements with companies like Del Monte, Scania Diaries, and GNC (Numico), and negotiations and talks are ongoing with a number of other companies concerning similar agreements.