Sherlock Online/BCAA Launch Internet-Based Lost & Found Combined With Private, Online Safe Deposit Boxes and Insurance Loss Reporting

BURNABY, British Columbia, Feb.8, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- Picture this: you're on vacation and your camera goes missing...or did you just leave it somewhere? You call all of the places you've visited, and fumble through your wallet and luggage, searching for that elusive record of its make, model and serial number so you can report the loss. Good luck! And even if a Good Samaritan does find the camera, how would he or she know who it belongs to or how to return it to you? You ask yourself, isn't there a solution for this problem?

The answer is `e-Lementary', says the British Columbia Automobile Association (BCAA) and Sherlock Online. The two organizations have together launched, an Internet-based, global lost & found and asset-tracking system. BCAA is the first major organization to offer its customers Sherlock Online services.

The co-branded lost & found provides worldwide recovery services and reward incentives for lost or stolen valuables. Members can register valuables in their own secure "Sherlock eBox" (an online safe deposit box) and record details such as serial numbers, warranty information and even a digital image of the object. Given that more than 90 percent of goods recovered by police cannot be returned to owners because of inadequate or missing identification, the eBox can be a virtual lifesaver.

For instance, in the case of the camera, all you would do is access the Internet, log into your eBox at and all of the information you need to identify the item is there. When your camera has a Sherlock identification label affixed to it, it is easier for the police or a finder to return it to you. Once found, your camera is returned to you, wherever you are, with the help of Sherlock. Sherlock will keep your identity secure and even offer a reward to the finder.

The service is even better for BCAA member home insurance policyholders. Once a policyholder has registered their assets online, they are provided with a Sherlock Home Protect-It Kit at no charge. The Sherlock Home Protect-It Kit includes theft deterrent decals for their residences and identification labels for the items registered. If items are lost or stolen, BCAA Insurance Corporation offers policyholders an additional $200 for "e-Initiating" their claims, using the tools provided on the Website, and for meeting some other conditions.

According to Scott McBride, BCAA's director of insurance, "We anticipate a simpler, smoother claims process using Sherlock online tools, lower costs and better customer service. BCAA Insurance Corporation handles hundreds of theft claims each month, so protecting our insureds with the Sherlock eBox and identification labels, then handling the claims electronically, is a big win for everyone."

Said Bob Smart, president of Sherlock Online, "The service we have developed has significant value for both consumers and insurers. Thanks to the flexibility and convenience of the Web, eBox owners enjoy the benefits of convenient information storage and the improved probability of lost or stolen items being returned. They also experience peace of mind in knowing that their eBox contents are secure and for their-eyes-only. By planning ahead, they can reduce the time, hassle and paperwork of the claims process, and a streamlined process also adds up to substantial cost reductions for insurers. It really is a win-win for both users."

McBride views Sherlock Online as the ideal product for an association like BCAA whose future direction is increasingly e-Business-oriented. Said McBride, "Security and peace of mind are integral to our mission, and our members and home insurance policyholders are expecting to see those values reflected in other areas of their lives. As more and more of them gain access to the Internet, BCAA has an obligation to provide products that meet their needs in that area."

Sherlock Online will also continue to enhance its services. And, according to Smart, "Sherlock has some exciting plans to expand its cornerstone product, the Sherlock eBox, to provide secure storage of information, photos and documents concerning automobiles, health and medical data, travel, wallet contents, collections, and even identification records for children."

BCAA is the province's largest membership services organization with more than 700,000 members and customers, and more than 1,000 employees at 24 offices throughout B.C. BCAA provides more than 33 percent of B.C. households with roadside assistance and the BCAA Insurance Agency is one of B.C.'s largest insurance brokers. BCAA offers security and peace of mind to its members and customers through high value and quality motoring, travel, insurance and home products and services, such as Advantage Auto optional auto insurance and Westworld Magazine -- now B.C.'s authority on travel and active living. Almost a century old, BCAA also represents the voice of motorists in its advocacy efforts at all levels of government.

Sherlock Online Inc., a Canadian company based in Vancouver, provides a secure Internet service for personal asset registration and a comprehensive identification and loss-recovery program that increases the odds of lost or stolen items being returned to their owners. Sherlock partners with insurance companies to provide their clients with easy-to-use, Web-based technology that enhances traditional asset protection and claims reporting services.

CONTACT:  British Columbia Automobile Association, Vancouver
          Michele Penz, Manager, External Communications 
          (604) 268-5342 
          Cell: (604) 788-3753

          Sherlock Online Inc., Vancouver
          Leanne Terrace, Director of Marketing
          (604) 718-5586 
          Cell: (604) 725-6773

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