Jaakko Pöyry Group receives power plant operations and maintenance contract

Electrowatt-Ekono, the Jaakko Pöyry Group's Energy business group, expands its business into operations and maintenance (O&M) activities. The company has received its first major O&M contract from Carmelray Industrial Park Power Corporation in Singapore. The client will build a 52 MW diesel-fired power plant in three phases. Electrowatt-Ekono will provide full operation and maintenance services for both the power plant and the system. The value of the contract for the first phase amounts to EUR 1.1 million.

The Energy business group has made a strategic decision to expand its business activities towards O&M activities of power plants starting on the Asia Pacific market. The received contract enhances the possibilities of further developing the O&M business and will serve as an important reference for Electrowatt-Ekono's future activities in this area. The demand for this type of services is strongly increasing and the aim is to expand the O&M business into other key market areas.