During the year 2000, the Sika Group generated consolidated sales of CHF 2 bn (previous year CHF 1 689). This corresponds to an increase of + 18.3 %, or + 15.6 % in local currency terms, reflecting the momentum of the Group’s growth. Internal growth amounted to CHF 200 m, + 11.8 % respectively, while CHF 110 m was attributable to acquisitions.
In local currencies: Europe sales increased by a substantial + 18.4 % (previous year + 9.6 %). North America once again confirmed the upward trend, reporting growth of + 8.8 %. Latin America and Asia sales rose by + 18.5 % and + 13.1 % respectively. Africa contributed to the overall result with an increase in turnover of + 5.4 %.
The Construction Chemicals Division generated net sales of CHF 1 468 m (previous year CHF 1 256 m), corresponding to an additional turnover of + 16.8 %. The effect of currencies amounted to + 1.9 %. Once again, the Industrial Materials Division recorded above-average growth, increasing sales by + 22.6 % to reach CHF 530 m (previous year CHF 433 m). Here the positive effect of currencies amounted to + 5.1 %.
The Group confirms the expected net profit of approx. CHF 100 m (previous year CHF 93 m).
In the current year the Sika Group strives again to achieve a strong internal sales growth. The Group will also continue to make use of opportunities for further acquisitions, with the main objective to secure innovative technologies. Approx. CHF 140 m is budgeted for investments in tangible fixed assets, primarily to increase capacity.
The Board of Sika Finanz AG proposes to the Annual General Meeting an increase in dividend from 21 to 23 %.
Important dates 2001
Media conference / financial analyst’s meeting in Zurich:
Thursday, April 19, 2001
Letter to the shareholders on 1st quarter 2001:
Tuesday, May 8, 2001
Annual General Meeting in Zug, morning (10.00 a.m.):
Wednesday, May 30, 2001
Please click on the link below to see the letters to the shareholders:
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