COPENHAGEN, Denmark, Feb. 28, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- GoPinocchio, the Mobile System Integrator, has joined forces with IBM to provide innovative, best-of-breed mobile e-business solutions. The primary focus is on making information instantly accessible at the point-of-activity, redesigning CRM processes, and providing companies with a competitive edge.
"IBM leads the pack with its expertise and competence in mobile e-business platforms. For example, IBM's "WebsSphere Everyplace Suite" software is really unique," says Anders Rosenbeck, CEO of GoPinocchio, which is partly owned by the venture company Olicom (OTCBB:OLCMF). "We see IBM as a strong partner for innovative end-to-end CRM solutions, and that is why we have chosen to join forces with them."
GoPinocchio's focus on implementing mobile CRM solutions -- combined with IBM platform technology -- creates a strong value proposition for cutting-edge mobile e-business solutions in current and future mobile channels. Besides offering business consulting services based on the implementation of IBM mobile e-business solutions, GoPinocchio will introduce versions of its products to run on IBM technology starting with the Mobile Event Solution product.
"GoPinocchio's innovative approach to mobile e-business solutions means that companies can immediately start deploying IBM's technologies to develop new and powerful business models," says Adrian Kohn, IBM's European Manager for Web Integrators. "GoPinocchio's focus on delivering strong end-to-end solutions is inspiring. We know that by partnering with GoPinocchio, our products will be used in truly imaginative ways in order to accelerate the adoption of mobile e-business as a key business tool."
The alliance gives great opportunity to create unrivalled mobile solutions that can take businesses one-step ahead.