Telenor and the Norwegian Postal Service launch a joint company for electronic ID and digital signature

The two companies will pose as equal partners dedicated to developing an inclusive and secure infrastructure to support e-commerce and messaging.

Both Telenor and the Postal Service have developed separate solutions for secure e-commerce activity by using both the electronic ID method and electronic signatures. Telenor’s ZebSign is an entity within Telenor Mobil. ZebSign issues the customer with a digital identity that spans all the telecommunication networks and terminals. The Postal Service has, through ErgoGroup, launched ErgoSign that has developed an electronic ID in browsers as well as a qualified digital signature linked to a smart card.

The new company, ZebSign, will supply products and services to the general public, official institutions, banks and various e-commerce players. ZebSign will utilize the in-depth skill inherent in the two companies. The Postal Service with its national network of outlets will offer safe registering procedures and the handing out of electronic IDs and digital signatures, as well as creating a logistics- and distribution apparatus for physical goods. The Postal Service is committed to offering electronic services such as ePost. Telenor can contribute the access channels, skill and technology which allows for an electronic ID to span access channels and applications. In collaboration with other partners, ZebSign will supply the customer with an inclusive and secure infrastructure for electronic commerce and cooperation both in Norway and on an international level.

“The development of e-commerce in Norway has proved that the customers increasingly require a secure digital signature linked to various services on the net. Through ZebSign’s solutions, the individual user will possess a personal digital identity encoded in a SIM card in his/her mobile phone, PC, TV and smart card. This means that 2-3 million subscribers will shortly be able to make use of secure payment procedures over the net,” says Managing Director, Ingvild Myhre, in Telenor Mobil.

“By launching ZebSign, the Postal Service and Telenor will offer solutions which we believe will improve the foundation for safer commerce and messaging over the Internet. This will simplify e-commerce by tidying up the increasing multitude of passwords and user IDs that the user today has to wade through. This is also in line with the Government’s aim to establish a 24 hour public administration service which is dependent on secure electronic messaging,” says Managing Director, Per Andersen, in Ergo Group.