Amer has developed an index called the Sports General Index (SGI), which can be used to benchmark sporting goods companies' market capitalisations compared to the Dow Jones and HEX portfolio indices. SGI can be found at the company's website in the finance and investor information section, or directly at Amer's market capitalisation can be monitored against the trend for all comparable companies and companies operating in different sectors in the industry.
SGI is a Sports General Index that consists of the following companies: Amer, Callaway, Rossignol, K2, Rawlings, Nike, Reebok, Fila, Adidas-Salomon, Sports Authority, Venator and Head. It has been necessary to exclude some sports equipment companies that are in private hands and even some significant companies that are subsidiaries of larger corporate entities.
The Sports Equipment Index (SEI), SGI's sub-index, can also be found at the website and it includes companies operating mainly in the sports equipment industry; Amer Group, Callaway, Rawlings, Rossignol, K2 and Head.
Amer Group Plc
Tea Saari
Communications Manager
Tel. +358 9 7257 8218
Fax: +358 9 791 385
Amer develops an Index to monitor the market capitalisations of sporting goods companies
| Source: Amer Sports Oyj