(San Francisco, CA – April 10, 2001) Nokia (NYSE:NOK) and Check Point Software Technologies (Nasdaq:CHKP), today announced they have crossed the performance threshold to deliver the most flexible, high performance Internet security solutions available. The two companies have co-developed a feature named Firewall Flows, to dramatically increase the performance of Check Point’s market-leading FireWall-1(TM) operating on Nokia’s leading IP Network Security Appliances. Specifically, Nokia’s new IP530 appliance delivers over 500Mbps FireWall-1 throughput effectively eliminating any potential network bottleneck.
Firewall Flows forms a key architectural component of Nokia’s purpose-built, security hardened operating system. This new feature incorporates elements of Check Point’s recently announced Secure XL performance API to reduce per packet overhead and more than triple the firewall packet per second throughput. This feature is especially effective in improving the performance of connections transmitting small packets (64 and 128 bytes). Network World has verified the power of Firewall Flows in a recent performance test. FireWall-1 on the Nokia platform outperformed ASIC based firewall systems in the small packet throughput tests.1)
"Enterprise and Managed Service Provider customers are constantly
faced with the triple challenge of security, reliability and performance," said Mark Bouchard, Analyst for the META Group "Nokia and Check Point have once again come up with an innovative way to answer the markets call."
“As the market leading IP security appliance vendor, Nokia clearly understands the market’s continuing need for improved price performance,” said Dan MacDonald, vice president of Nokia Internet Communications “With the Nokia IP530 and Firewall Flows, Nokia yet again raises the bar in the areas of performance, reliability and ease of deployment.”
"Performance leadership continues to be a key differentiator for Check Point's Secure Virtual Network (SVN) architecture," said Asheem Chandna, vice-president of business development and product management for Check Point Software Technologies. "We are very pleased that the jointly-developed Nokia / Check Point security appliance solution leverages Check Point's SecureXL architecture and delivers a throughput of over 500 Mbps."
The Nokia IP530 is the newest member of Nokia’s market leading family of network security appliances, tightly integrating Check Point VPN-1/FireWall-1 to create a next generation IP Network Security platform delivering increased speed, functionality and impressive levels of secured throughput. Nokia’s ability to truly innovate in the area of performance is enabled through our unique capability to optimize purpose built hardware subsystems, with a hardened operating system, IP networking functionality and our close working relationships with market leading application vendors such as Check Point.
Nokia IP Network Security Solutions combine market-leading security software and world class IP routing delivering rapidly deployable, high-performance network security solutions. Nokia offers a full range of award winning network protection, extension and acceleration appliances designed to meet the most demanding security challenges – fully backed by Nokia’s world class “First Call - Final Resolution” support.
Firewall Flows is shipping now on all Nokia IP100, 300, 400 and 600 series network security appliances. The IP530 appliance is available now in the US, Canada and Europe and will be available globally in Q2 ’01.
1)Network World March 12, 2001 “Pushing Firewall Performance”
About Nokia Internet Communications
Nokia Internet Communications, headquartered in Mountain View, California, provides world-class Network Security, Virtual Private Network and Network Acceleration solutions that ensure the security and reliability of corporate enterprise and managed service provider networks. Nokia is committed to enhancing the end user experience by bringing a new level of security and reliability to the network, enabling an Internet transaction that is personal and trusted -- each and every time. For more information, please visit www.nokia.com and click on Secure Network Solutions.
About Nokia
Nokia is the world leader in mobile communications. Backed by its experience, innovation, user-friendliness and secure solutions, the company has become the leading supplier of mobile phones and a leading supplier of mobile, fixed and IP networks. By adding mobility to the Internet Nokia creates new opportunities for companies and further enriches the daily lives of people. Nokia is a broadly held company with listings on six major exchanges.
©2001 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. Check Point, the Check Point logo, FireWall-1, FireWall-1 SecureServer, FloodGate-1, INSPECT, IQ Engine, MetaInfo, Meta IP, Open Security Extension, OPSEC, Provider-1, SecureKnowledge, SiteManager, SVN, UAM, UserAuthority, VPN-1, VPN-1 Accelerator Card, VPN-1 Appliance, VPN-1 Certificate Manager, VPN-1 Gateway, VPN-1 SecureClient, VPN-1 SecuRemote, VPN-1 SecureServer and ConnectControl are trademarks or registered trademarks of Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. or its affiliates. All other product names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. The products described in this document are protected by U.S. Patent No. 5,606,668 and 5,835,726 and may be protected by other U.S. Patents, foreign patents, or pending applications
Further information:
Nokia Internet Communications Americas
Laurie Armstrong
Tel.+ 1 650 625 2424
Nokia Internet Communications Europe
Claire Backhurst
Tel. +44 7788 145460
Maarit Oikarinen
Tel. +358 40 830 1108
Nokia Internet Communications APAC
Ogilvy Public Relations
Bonani (Bonnie) Datta
Tel. +65 2779 556
Nokia and Check Point Deliver The Most Flexible, High Performance Internet Security Solutions In Their Class
| Source: Nokia Oyj
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