Soho Announces Spudding Quest 14-10 Gas Well

VANCOUVER, BC, July 12, 2001.(PRIMEZONE) -- Soho Resources Corp. (CDNX:SOH) ( has been informed by Huntford Resources that surface casing has been set to 833 feet at the Quest 14-10 drill site located in Township 11 South Range 25 East, Uintah County, in Northeastern Utah. This well is a two mile step-out to the north of Huntford's Quest 16-21, Quest 1-22 and Quest 6-28 gas wells in the same township. The field has yet to be named but the three wells combined are flowing at a sustained gross rate of 1.35 MMCF gas per day. Casing was set by a small drilling rig designed to set only surface pipe. Huntford is now awaiting the arrival of a conventional drilling rig in the next two to six weeks when it becomes available. The target formation is the Wasatch at less than 2,300 feet. Soho Resources indirectly controls a 17.5 percent interest in the Quest 14-10 well.

The State of Utah, in a public hearing on June 27, 2001, granted 40 acre well spacing in an area of 800 acres surrounding the present three producing wells. This doubles the potential project drill sites in the project area. The company expects that this 40-acre spacing will hold for the remainder of the project area, and would thereby increase potential drill sites from the original 157 to over 300 for the shallow gas targets.

Dominion Exploration & Production Inc. (NYSE:D) has staked four offsetting locations to Huntford's Quest 6-28 and Quest 16-21 wells.

Soho Resources controls a 21.4 percent interest in well #16-21, a 3.0 percent interest in well #1-22 and a 17.5 percent interest in the 6-28.

About the Quest Gas Project

The Quest Gas Project is located in the Uintah Basin of northeastern Utah - a prolific gas-producing region. The Quest Project is a basin-centered gas play with 177 potential well sites on 80 acres, initially targeting shallow gas zones -- less than 1,565 meters (4,770 feet) -- in the Castlegate, Wasatch and Mesa Verde Formations. The Quest Project also holds deeper gas potential in the Mancos B, Niobrara, Dakota and Weber Formations, which will be tested later in the Project's development. Historically, nearby wells targeting these same formations throughout the Uintah Basin have produced ultimate recoveries of 0.2 to 6.0 BCF per well.

About Soho Resources Corp.

Soho Resources is an oil and gas exploration company actively exploring prospects in the Williston and Uintah Basins in the United States, and in the Michigan Basin of Canada. Both directly and indirectly, Soho holds varying interests in four projects, including Quest project in Utah (3% to 21.4% interest), the 80,000-acre Sundance project in North Dakota (37.5% interest), the Phoenix Project in Southern Ontario (100% interest) and the Wolverine Prospect in North Dakota (100% interest).

Note: The Canadian Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not take responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


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