Tomas Duffy, born in 1955, was previously a member of Telia's executive committee, as Executive Vice President and Head of Business Solutions and Service Development. He is also the former CEO of Mannesman ipulsys, Mannesman's unit for international IP services. Assuming the post as CEO of Net Insight, he will be leaving his CEO post at the strategy and IT consulting firm Halogen on September the 1st this year.
"Bengt Olsson has lead Net Insight to its current position," says Lars Berg, Chairman of the Board. "The company was floated on the stock exchange in June 1999, the bulk of the product development process has been completed and a new share issue, raising SEK 157 million was carried out successfully in June this year. In Tomas Duffy, we have now found a CEO with international experience and industry know-how, a corporate leader that can fully exploit the company's potential. Duffy is well acquainted with the inside workings of the telecom industry and will open new business opportunities for Net Insight."
Tomas Duffy will acquire 750,000 warrants in Net Insight after taking up his duties as CEO.
The company's 6 month report will be published as planned on August the 20th.