TheFeature.Com Celebrates First Birthday, Nokia's dedicated online site for the wireless Internet community, turns one today. During its first year, has become the premier industry-meeting place for mobile minds, attracting over 11,000 registered members from 120 different countries around the globe. In addition, was selected as Editor's Choice by Wireless Week, Popular Science and Smart Money.

Aside from providing a platform for frank exchanges from the industry fore, the site has come to be known as a valued information source and educational tool, dealing with issues ranging from wireless games and online gambling to mobile finance and the future of mobile Internet.

"Our words and ideas fly through the air around us and between mobile devices and the people that hold them; is about the only place that all this information and excitement touches down to earth," says industry guru and regular contributor Justin Hall.

Martin Sandelin, Nokia Senior Vice President Corporate Marketing, says, "I am more than pleased that was able to establish such a strong following in its first year. The calibre of contributions from our writers and content partners has been high and the views expressed on a range of widely disparate topics have in some cases even sparked a shift in industry-wide thinking."

To mark the anniversary, members will be presented with a new e-mail newsletter service. Subscribers will be given the opportunity to receive weekly roundups pulled from their own topic choices, including business, technological and cultural developments in the industry.

Nokia's is the mobile Internet industry's premier thinking space, where industry professionals, academics, researchers, analysts and the media gather to learn about and discuss issues affecting the industry and share their visions of the mobile future. has quickly gained a name for itself as a leading voice of the wireless revolution

The comments and opinions expressed on are solely those of its writers and content partners and are not official statements by Nokia or any of its business partners or affiliates.

About Nokia
Nokia is the world leader in mobile communications. Backed by its experience, innovation, user-friendliness and secure solutions, the company has become the leading supplier of mobile phones and a leading supplier of mobile, fixed and IP networks. By adding mobility to the Internet Nokia creates new opportunities for companies and further enriches the daily lives of people. Nokia is a broadly held company with listings on six major exchanges.

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