In July 2001, a total of 7000 Vaisala A-shares were subscribed for
with the warrants attached to the Bond Loan 1997 issued to the key
personnel of Vaisala. As a result of the subscriptions the share
capital of Vaisala was increased by 7000 new A-shares, i.e., by EUR
2.943,49. The corresponding increase has been registered in the
Finnish Trade Register on 21st of August, 2001. As a result of the
increase, the share capital of Vaisala is now EUR 7.256.555,06 and
the total number of shares is 17.257.000.
The holders of the new shares are entitled to all shareholders' rights
from the registration date, i.e. 21st of August, 2001. Listing of the
new shares will be applied for at the Helsinki Exchanges together with
the old shares beginning 22nd of August, 2001.
Further information:
Tiina Hansson, Communications Director, +358 9 8949 2728
Vaisala Oyj