"Logistics of retail promotions improved through new inventory control processes"

Zaandam, The Netherlands, November 23, 2001 - Promotions in retail pose great challenges to the logistical systems that prevent stores from running out of stock and minimize stock levels in warehouses after promotions. These systems can be optimized through different measures, ranging from distributing promotional products from a greater number of distribution centers, to supporting orders through automated forecasting systems. Marcel van der Wurff, a graduate of the Technical University in Eindhoven, described these measures in his thesis "Promotional DC Replenishment: riding the wave of explosive demand", based on a case study of distribution centers at Albert Heijn, Ahold's Dutch supermarket chain, during promotional drives.

Van der Wurff's thesis was awarded first prize in this year's Ahold Award competition. He received Euro 5,000 (approximately USD 5,000) and a study trip to Ahold supermarkets in the United States. The jury, chaired by Jacques Schraven, Chairman of the Dutch Employers' Federation VNO/NCW, described Van der Wurff's thesis as "a highly practical and skillful study, containing valuable recommendations of international importance." Schraven also commended the other entrants on the outstanding quality of their research, saying that the jury was struck by "the fact that these students were not reluctant to tackle extensive issues of great current interest."

Guest speaker Pieter Winsemius of McKinsey & Company spoke on the characteristics of open networks as drivers for successful companies, stating that "companies that respond to employees' needs for self-determination and a strong sense of belonging are the companies that in general create the most valuable pool of intellectual capital. People should be enabled to align their own ideals with those of their companies."

The annual Ahold Award, formerly known as the Ahold Retail Award, was initiated in 1995 and encourages academic research into retail trade and foodservice. This year's entries from The Netherlands came from recent graduates, who had completed professional or academic degrees.


Ahold Award