Skandia: December Sales SEK 11.0 Billion

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Jan. 16, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Skandia:

Sales in December

Sales amounted to SEK 11.0 billion, compared with SEK 10.1 billion in November 2001.

New Sales of Unit Linked Assurance

New sales of unit linked assurance increased by 14 per cent in December compared with November. New sales through December were down 22 per cent compared with the same period a year ago.

Sales Through December

Sales amounted to SEK 137.6 billion (206.9). During the fourth quarter sales rose 6 per cent compared with the third quarter. Sales are reported exclusive of paid-in premiums to Skandia Liv, totaling SEK 15.0 billion (13.4), and discretionary management inflows for Skandia Asset Management.

Of total sales, SEK 93.5 billion (140.2) pertains to unit linked assurance, SEK 34.8 billion (55.8) to mutual fund savings products 2) ), and SEK 7.6 billion (9.3) to direct sales of funds.


In the U.S.A, sales of variable annuities through December totaled USD 3.8 billion (8.2), and sales of mutual funds totaled USD 2.0 billion (4.0).

Other Markets

In the UK, sales totaled GBP 2.7 billion (4.1). In Sweden, SkandiaLink's sales amounted to SEK 10.7 billion (10.8). Sales in New Markets totaled SEK 17.5 billion (18.4).

Recalculated to average exchange rates, sales from January through December were favorably affected by currency movements in the amount of SEK 11.8 billion.

Skandia's result measurement is described in the 2000 Annual Report, which also includes a sensitivity analysis describing the impact of various factors on the result. Since contracts in force span long periods of time, sharp swings in the financial markets during a short period of time have a major impact on the present value of future profits. The sensitivity analysis presented in the September interim report shows that a one per cent increase or decrease in the stock market affects the result by +/- SEK 192 million, respectively. On 30 January 2002, in advance of the year-end report, Skandia will issue a release describing the development of the indexes that were relevant for Skandia in 2001.

 13 February 2002, Year-end report 2001
 21 March 2002, Annual General Meeting
 26 April 2002, interim report January - March
 8 August 2002, interim report January - June
 30 October 2002, interim report January - September

Definitions of Sales


Sales pertain to paid-in premiums and deposits in funds from Skandia's customers.

New Sales

New sales pertain to single and regular premiums from unit linked contracts entered into in 2001, recalculated to full-year figures. According to industry practice, new sales are defined as regular premiums recalculated to full-year figures plus 1/10 of single premiums during the period.

Appendix: Sales per month and exchange rates in 2001 and 2000

 Sales per        Insurance Direct sales         Total
 month           and mutual     of funds
 (SEK                 funds
 January               12.3          0.7          13.0
 February              11.6          0.4          12.0
 March                 13.3          0.4          13.7
 April                 12.2          0.9          13.1
 May                   12.0          1.0          13.0
 June                  11.5          1.5          13.0
 July                  10.4          0.6          11.0
 August                 9.5          0.2           9.7
 September              8.1          0.3           8.4
 October                9.4          0.2           9.6
 November               9.2          0.9          10.1
 December              10.5          0.5          11.0
 Total                130.0          7.6         137.6

 Sales per        Insurance Direct sales         Total
 month           and mutual     of funds
 (SEK                 funds
 January               16.7          0.7          17.4
 February              18.7          0.4          19.1
 March                 23.9          0.6          24.5
 April                 18.5          0.5          19.0
 May                   17.4          0.4          17.8
 June                  15.3          0.4          15.7
 July                  14.1          0.5          14.6
 August                14.6          0.6          15.2
 September             14.0          0.6          14.6
 October               15.5          1.5          17.0
 November              14.9          1.6          16.5
 December              14.0          1.5          15.5
 Total                197.6          9.3         206.9

 Exchange            2001     2001     2001    2000    2000      2000
 rates              31 Dec.  30 Nov. 30 Sept. 31 Dec. 30 Nov. 30 Sept.

 EUR  Closing rate    9.33     9.57    9.72    8.86     8.70      8.52
 EUR  Average rate    9.29     9.29    9.22    8.45     8.43      8.39
 GBP  Closing rate   15.32    15.24   15.68   14.22    14.34     14.16
 GBP  Average rate   15.01    14.99   14.91   13.86    13.84     13.71
 USD  Closing rate   10.58    10.68   10.67    9.54    10.08      9.68
 USD  Average rate   10.43    10.42   10.37    9.17     9.13      8.92
 JPY  Closing rate   0.081    0.087   0.090   0.083    0.091     0.090
 JPY  Average rate   0.086    0.086   0.086   0.085    0.085     0.083

 All comparison figures pertain to the corresponding period a year
 earlier, unless otherwise indicated.

 Includes SEK 1.7 billion (2.2) in discretionary management in Spain.

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