Nokia applies for listing of stock options of the 2001 Plan on the main list of the Helsinki Exchanges

Nokia Board has resolved to apply for listing of the stock options under the Nokia Stock Option Plan 2001 on the main list of the Helsinki Exchanges to commence on or about

July 1, 2002
2001A stock options,
October 1, 2002
2001B1 and 2001C 3Q/01 stock options,
January 1, 2003
2001C 4Q/01 stock options,
January 2, 2003
2001B2 stock options,
April 1, 2003
2001B3 stock options,
July 1, 2003
2001B4 stock options,
October 1, 2003
2001B5 stock options,
January 2, 2004
2001B6 stock options,
April 1, 2004
2001B7 stock options,
July 1, 2004
2001B8 stock options,
October 1, 2004
2001B9 stock options,
January 3, 2005
2001B10 stock options,
April 1, 2005
2001B11 stock options and
July 1, 2005
2001B12 stock options.

Each stock option under the 2001 Plan entitles to subscribe for one Nokia Share with a par value of 6 eurocents after the share subscription period of the respective stock option category has begun. The share subscription price of the stock options is as follows:

2001A stock options EUR 36.75
2001B1-12 stock options EUR 36.75
2001C 3Q/01 stock options EUR 20.61
2001C 4Q/01 stock options EUR 26.67

The stock options will be transferred into the book-entry system prior to the date of listing of each respective stock option category.

Further information:
Corporate Communications
Tel: +358 7180 34459
Fax +358 7180 38826