Sandvik AB - Report on 2001 Operations and the Fourth Quarter (with link)

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Feb. 14, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Sandvik AB:

 -- Invoiced sales: SEK 48,900 M, up 3% at fixed exchange rates
    for comparable units
 -- Profit: SEK 5,606 M after financial items, up 2%, excluding
    items affecting comparability
 -- Cash flow: SEK 5,093 M before investments
 -- Extensive program of change under way; 800 fewer
    employees in Q4
 -- Proposals to Annual General Meeting 7 May 2002:
    - Dividend: SEK 9.50, increase of 6%
    - Buy-back: 10% of shares. Current authorization 5%
 Key figures         Q4       Q4   Change     Full-     Full-  Change
                                              year      year      
 SEK M             2001     2000     %        2001      2000      %
 Order intake    11 350   11 370     +0(1)  47 900    45 000     +6(1)
 Invoiced sales  12 780   11 940     +7(2)  48 900    43 750    +12(2)
 Operating        1 278    1 552    -18(4)   6 103     6 327     -4(3)
  %                  10       13                12        14         
 Profit after     1 149    1 419    -19(4)   5 606     5 804     -3(3)
  %                   9       12                11        13
 Profit after
   items excl.
      ability                                5 266     5 144     +2 
  %                                             11        12         
 Net profit       1 065      990     +8(4)   3 688     3 712     -1(3)
  %                   8        8                 8         8         
 Earnings per                                14.40     14.30         
  share, SEK
 Return on net                                17.4      20.3         
  assets, %
 1) -11% and -4% at fixed exchange rates for comparable units.
 2) -3% and +3% at fixed exchange rates for comparable units.
 3) Including items affecting comparability SEK +340 M in 2001 and
    SEK +660 M in 2000.
 4) Including costs for restructuring program expense SEK -515 M and
    capital gain SEK +340 M in Q4 2001.

Short Term Market Outlook*

Demand is expected to remain weak in the near future. An extensive program of change is under way within the Group to further enhance efficiency and reduce cost levels. At the same time, the Group is ready to capitalize on business opportunities in the event of increased demand.

 * Previous short-term market outlook (published 9 November 2001)
   The market trend in NAFTA continues to be negative and a decline is
   now also being noted in Europe. Demand is expected to remain low in
   the near future, and now also in the investment-related segments.
   However, the Group is well positioned to take additional market
   shares, at the same time as the program of change aimed at
   retaining profitability is intensified.

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