ANALYST PRESENTATION Annual results 2001

[ ]Wednesday, March 20, 2002, at 4 pm
  (instead of Thursday, March21)
at the Hotel Président-Wilson, quai Wilson 47, 1201 Geneva

The presentation will be in French

[ ]Thursday, March 21, 2002, at 8.30 am
  (instead of Friday, March 22)
  At the Widder Hotel, Rennweg 7, 8001 Zürich

The presentation will be in English


Patrick Combes, President, Compagnie Financière Tradition

Kindly inform us of your presence by March 18, using the attached answer form.

Compagnie Financière Tradition is today one the world's « Top Three » over-the-counter brokers of financial and non-financial products and ranks first in Continental Europe. With a presence in 17 countries, Compagnie Financière Tradition offers a large range of financial (money markets, bond markets, interest rates, credit and currency derivatives, exchange-traded products) and non-financial products (energy, precious metal, pulp and paper, etc.). For more information:

[ ] I will attend (please tick the appropriate box)

[ ] Wednesday, March 20, 2002, at 4 pm
    at the Hotel Président-Wilson,
    quai Wilson 47, 1201 Geneva

[ ] Thursday, March 21, 2002, at 8.30 am
    At the Widder Hotel, Rennweg 7, 8001 Zürich

[ ] I will be accompanied ___________________

[ ] I am unable to attend but would like to receive
    your information kit
    [ ] in French     [ ] in English

[ ] I would like to be included in your mailing lists
    and receive your information regularly
    [ ] in French     [ ] in English

First name: _________________
Company: _____________
Address : _________________

Thank you for informing us of your presence by March 18.

Compagnie Financière Tradition
Mme Elisabeth Brin
Rue de Langallerie 11 - 1003 Lausanne
Fax : 021 / 343 55 00 - E-mail:

==> This invitation can be downloaded as PDF from the enclosed link.

