Baksaas started his career at Telenor in 1989 and has held a number of important positions in the company, such as CFO and Senior Executive Vice President. Baksaas has since the summer of 2001 held the position as Deputy CEO. The new CEO has broad professional experience, and has previously been employed by e.g. Aker AS, Stolt-Nielsen Seaway and Det norske Veritas. He also has several years of international experience, and has been positioned in Japan.

"I look forward to take up one of the most interesting and challenging positions in Norway. As the new CEO, I intend to pursue the efforts to increase profitability, to strengthen the focus of the activity and further the development of Telenor as a powerful and internationally oriented telecommunications company. The Telenor I now take leadership of has a very good basis for further development and growth," said Jon Fredrik Baksaas.
Press Conference at 14:00 CET
A press conference presenting the new CEO will be staged at Telenor Expo, Universitetsgt. 7, Oslo, on Friday April 26, at 14:00 CET.
The new CEO, Jon Fredrik Baksaas, and the chairman of the board, Tom Vidar Rygh, will be present.
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