STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Oct. 16, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Aberforth Partners:
Date of acquisition: 15/10/02
Acquisition in: Johnson Service Group PLC
(1) Class of voting shares Number of If rights over shares (e.g. ordinary shares) shares/rights acquired, as opposed over shares to the shares acquired themselves, specify nature of rights Ordinary Shares 881,152 shares N/A of 10p N/A rights (2) Resultant total holding Resultant total Total percentage of voting shares holding of (and % of total voting rights over shares in issue) shares (and % of total voting shares in issue) 12,629,423 (22.17%) N/A (0.00%) 22.17% (3) Party making disclosure: Aberforth Partners (as Investment Managers) (4) (a) Name of person acquiring shares or rights over shares: Aberforth Partners (as Investment Managers) and, if different, beneficial owner: N/A (b) Names of any other persons acting by agreement or understanding (see SAR 5): N/A
Signed, for and on behalf of the party named in (3) above: N/A
(Also print name of signatory): Gordon R. Young, Partner
Telephone and extension number: 0131 220 0733
Note. Under SAR 5, the holdings of and acquisitions by persons acting by agreement or understanding must be aggregated and treated as a holding of or acquisition by one person. Note 3 on SAR 5 requires persons who must aggregate holdings to disclose certain disposals.
For full details of the SARs disclosure requirements, see Rules 3 and 5 of the SARs. If in doubt, contact the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers, Monitoring Section, Tel. No: 020 7638 0129.
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