Partners For Progress of St. Charles County Announces `What's In, What's Out For 2003'

ST.LOUIS, Dec. 18, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- St. Charles County reflects and represents the Heartland and Middle America.

Compare the demographics of St. Charles County -- collar county to St. Louis -- to the nation's and see for yourself why St. Charles County can and should be represented in your year-enders and your forecasts for the New Year.

Below are some of the national trends you might expect for 2003.

             What's In               Vs.         What's Out

  The Heartland -- St. Charles County     West Coast -- Orange County

  Spending More Time with Family         Spending More Time At Work
  Planned Communities                    Unplanned Urban Sprawl
  Suburban Corporate Campus              Downtown Corporate Skyscraper
  Trustworthy, Loyal, Brave, Proven,--   Fast Talking CEOs
    "What You See Is What You Get"
  Republicans                            Democrats
  Active, Involved Citizens              Major Donations From 
  Web Site & Grass Roots Campaigning        Big Corporations 
  Smart Bombs -- With Guidance Systems   Dumb Bombs
  Easy Suburban Living                   Urban Hassle

For details and names/telephones of people you can interview from Partners For Progress of St. Charles County, and for specifics, call Mike Knopfel or Ron O'Connor of O'Connor & Partners, Inc. at (314 or 888) 421-3190.



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