Randgold Resources Accelerates Quest for Growth Opportunities as Profits Soar

JERSEY, CHANNEL ISLANDS, U.K., Feb. 12, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- Randgold Resources (Nasdaq:GOLD) (Other OTC:RNGDF): Randgold Resources, the London and Nasdaq listed gold mining and development company, today posted a 475% rise in profit from operations for the year to December and said it was using its growing cash reserves to speed up its pursuit of new opportunities.

Net profit for the year was US$65.7 million (2001: US$17.8 million) and profit from operations was US$74.6 million (2001: US$15.7 million) on gold sales revenue of US$131.4 million. Earnings per share for the year were US$2.61 against US$0.58 in 2001.

The rise in results was boosted by exceptionally high grades mined at Randgold Resources' Morila joint-venture in Mali during the September and December quarters. Morila poured more than a million ounces of gold during 2002, one of the few mines in the world to achieve this production feat. With total cash costs of US$74/oz for the year, Morila also ranks as one of the highest-margin gold producers in the world.

"Randgold Resources combines a sound operational base, generating strong cash flows, with a promising prospect portfolio and a robust, effectively ungeared, balance sheet," chief executive Dr Mark Bristow said. "This means that we are one of the very few junior mining development companies with the ability to invest substantially in its own future on a sustained basis. We are funding exploration programmes in our target areas at a rate of US$10 million per year and these will continue to generate prospects for incorporation in our development portfolio. In addition to this organic expansion thrust, we have also stepped up our pursuit of corporate and third-party growth opportunities. In fact, we are currently scrutinising every single million-ounce plus gold project in the world to see if it meets our strategic criteria and return targets."

Bristow noted that continuing exploration at Morila had already almost replaced the reserves depleted by mining there, and also indicated further upside at the mine. During the year, he said, Randgold Resources had increased its groundholdings around Morila, defining 21 gold targets in this region; discovered a new target near its Loulo project in Mali; acquired two new permits and developed a portfolio of gold targets in Senegal; and re-established operations in Tanzania. Its two advanced projects -- Loulo in Mali and Tongon in the Cote d'Ivoire -- are both at feasibility stage.

Issued on behalf of Randgold Resources Limited by du Plessis Associates.

dPA contact Kathy du Plessis on Tel: 27(11) 728 4701, mobile: (0)83 266 5847 or e-mail: randgoldresources@dpapr.com



- Net profit of US$26.4 million for the quarter and US$65. million for the year

- Profit from operations up 475% on previous year

- Earnings per share of US$2.61 for the year

- Morila joins Million Ounce Club; Drilling results prove orebody is still open

- Exploration gains momentum in Senegal and expands into Tanzania

- Share volumes and price increase significantly after Nasdaq listing

Randgold Resources Limited has 27.7 million shares in issue as at 31 December 2002

 Consolidated income statement

                    Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited   Audited
                       quarter   quarter   quarter     12        12
                       ended     ended     ended     months    months
                      31 Dec    31 Dec   30 Sept      ended    ended
                                                     31 Dec    31 Dec
 US$000                 2002      2001      2002      2002      2001
 Gold sales
  revenue             44 186    15 953    50 487   131 440     84 154

 Cost of sales
 Production costs      8 351     9 677     5 353    26 689     47 798
 Transport and
  refinery costs         185       107       201       588        547
 Transfer to
  stripping costs     (1 642)   (1 429)     (914)   (5 043)    (1 991)
 Cash operating
  costs                6 894     8 355     4 640    22 234     46 354
 Royalties             3 133     1 217     3 571     9 185      5 801
 Total cash costs     10 027     9 572     8 211    31 419     52 155
 Profit from mining
   activity           34 159     6 381    42 276   100 021     31 999
 Depreciation and
   amortisation        2 333     2 901     2 630     8 765      7 097
 Exploration and
   expenditure         5 336     2 493     5 503    16 686      9 187
 Profit from
   operations         26 490       987    34 143    74 570     15 715
 Interest received       101        96        49       225      2 293
 Interest expense       (744)   (1 156)     (869)   (3 686)    (4 067)
 Profit/(loss) on
  instruments            347      (244)      493      (346)     7 424
 Other income and
   (expenses)            126     4 163    (3 357)   (5 255)    (4 136)
 Profit on ordinary
  activities before
  taxes and minority
  interests           26 320     3 846    30 459    65 508     17 229
 Income tax              -         (11)       -         -        (126)
    interest             122        13        23       220        656
 Net profit           26 442     3 848    30 482    65 728     17 759

 Basic earnings per share (US$)                     2.61         0.58
 Average shares in issue                      25 147 820   30 517 646

 Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                        Unaudited      Audited
                                            At           At
                                          31 Dec       31 Dec
 US$000                                    2002         2001
 Cash and equivalents                     59 631        6 683
 Restricted cash (see note)                4 526        4 474
 Receivables                              14 262       16 558
 Inventories                              11 601        9 743
 Total current assets                     90 020       37 458
 Property, plant and equipment
  Cost                                   168 540       163 076

  Accumulated depreciation               (92 104)      (83 339)
 Net property, plant and equipment       76 436        79 737
 Other long-term assets                   7 402         2 359
 Total assets                           173 858       119 554
 Bank overdraft                           1 170         1 708
 Accounts payable and accrued
  liabilities                            20 564        22 075
 Total current liabilities               21 734        23 783
 Provision for environmental
  rehabilitation                          4 972         4 340
 Liabilities on financial instruments     7 530         2 452
 Long-term loans                         19 307        57 147
 Loans from outside shareholders in
  subsidiaries                            1 330         1 335
 Total long-term liabilities             33 139        65 274
 Total liabilities                       54 873        89 057
 Shareholders' equity                   118 985        30 497
 Total liabilities and shareholders'
  equity                                173 858       119 554

 Note: This is the amount relating to the N.M. Rothschild & Sons
 Limited debt service reserve account. The amount is held in escrow
 for the partial repayment of the Morila project loan.

 Consolidated Cash flow Statement
                                             Unaudited        Audited
                                             12 months      12 months
                                                 ended          ended
                                                31 Dec         31 Dec
 US$000                                           2002           2001
 Net cash generated from operations             70 633         21 270
 Net cash utilised in investing activities      (5 516)       (14 013)
 Net cash generated by/(utilised in)
    financing activities

    Ordinary shares issued                      33 203          1 739
    Share buy back                                   -        (81 287)
    Share issue/buy back expenses               (3 895)          (425)
    (Decrease) / increase in long-term
      borrowings                               (39 123)        11 775

    Movement on financial instruments           (1 816)         4 278
    Decrease in bank overdraft                    (538)          (159)
 Net increase / (decrease) in cash and
    equivalents                                 52 948        (56 822)
 Cash and cash equivalents at
    beginning of period                          6 683         63 505
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of
    period net of overdraft                     59 631          6 683

The major portion of the ordinary shares issued in the 2002 financial year reflects the impact of the Nasdaq listing in July 2002. The share buy back was effected in September 2001.

The share issue expenses in 2002 are attributable to the costs associated with the Nasdaq listing. The decrease in long term borrowings in 2002 is as a result of the repayment in full of the N.M. Rothschild syndicated term loan and revolving facility, as well as ongoing repayments of long term loans.

 Consolidated Statement of changes in equity
                 Number                             Accumu-
                   of     Share    Share  Other     lated     Total
               ordinary   capital premium reserves  losses   equity
                shares    US$000   US$000  US$000   US$000    US$000
 Balance -
 31 Dec 2000   33 076 629  3 307  240 742   --     (150 108)   93 941

 Prior year
 adjustment        --       --      --      2 388       515     2 903
  balance -
  1 Dec 2001   33 076 629  3 307  240 742   2 388  (149 593)   96 844

 Net profit        --       --      --      --       17 759    17 759

 Movement on
  cash flow
  hedges           --       --      --     (4 133)     --      (4 133)

 Share options
  exercised       997 404    100    1 639   --         --       1 739

 Share buyback
  expenses    (11 612 403)(1 161) (80 551)  --         --     (81 712)
 Balance -
 30 Dec 2001   22 461 630  2 246  161 830  (1 745) (131 834)   30 497
 Net profit        --       --      --      --       65 728    65 728

  on cashflow
  hedges           --       --      --      6 548)    --       (6 548)

  exercised       202 110     20      683   --        --          703

 Issue of
  shares -
  offering      5 000 000    500   32 000   --        --       32 500

 Share issue
  expenses         --        --    (3 895)  --       --        (3 895)
 Balance -
 31 Dec 2002   27 663 740  2 766  190 618  (8 293)  (66 106)  118 985


The results for the year have been exceptionally good in terms of profit as well as the balance sheet. Net profit for the year was US$65.7 million, which was up over threefold year-on-year, and profits from mining activity were US$100 million compared to US$32 million for the comparative period in 2001. Higher grades from Phase II of the Morila pit as well as the cessation of operations at Syama at the end of 2001 contributed to this improvement. The increased net profit is after expenditure on exploration and corporate costs, which includedexpenditure on extensive drilling in the Cote d'Ivoire and Mali, provisions for bonuses and leave and other staff costs plus the write-off of the outstanding balance of the N.M. Rothschild syndicated term loan and revolving facility raising fee which was being amortised over the life of the loan. The comparative net profit for 2001 was boosted by profits on closing out of a portion of the Syama hedge book.

As forecast last quarter, the high grades at Morila continued to have asubstantial positive impact on the Company's results for the December quarter.

Ore grade milled, while down from the exceptional grades of the previousquarter, remained high. Profit from mining activity was US$34.2 million for the quarter ended 31 December 2002 compared to US$6.4 million for the corresponding period in 2001.

The main balance sheet movements for the year ended 31 December 2002 are an increase in cash, which reflects the higher attributable earnings from Morila as well as the balance of the proceeds from the Nasdaq listing on the 11 July 2002, net of the listing costs and long-term loan repayments. The main movement in receivables reflects the collection of the proceeds from the sale of assets at Syama in 2001.

The increase in other long-term assets is attributable to theincrease in deferred stripping costs associated with the Morila pit, where waste stripping has been in excess of the life of mine estimated stripping ratio. The decrease in accounts payable and accrued liabilities mainly reflects the payment of Syama creditors and a decrease in the short-term portion of long-term loans, resulting from the repayment in full of the N.M. Rothschild syndicated term loan and revolving facility in November 2002.

The increase in liabilities on financial instruments is the result of the movement on the mark-to-market value of the financial instruments. The marked decrease in long-term loans reflects the repayment in full of the outstanding amount of the N.M. Rothschild syndicated term loan and revolving facility of US$33 million in 2002. Long-term loans now largely comprise the attributable portion of the Morila project loan and the Morila finance leases. Shareholders equity was positively impacted by net profits for the period plus the proceeds from the Nasdaq listing.

The Company received its fifth distribution from Morila of US$42 million at the end of October 2002, giving a total of US$56.8 million distributed for the year ended 31 December 2002. A further dividend of US$24 million was received at the beginning of February 2003.

The Company's return on equity for 2002 was 109%.

Accounting Policies

The abridged financial statements in this report have been prepared inaccordance with the Group's accounting policies, which are in terms ofInternational Accounting Standards and are consistent with the prior period.

The consolidated financial information includes the financial statements of the Company, its subsidiaries and the Morila joint venture.

Joint ventures are those investments in which the Group has joint control and are accounted for under the proportional consolidation method and under this method, the proportion of assets, liabilities, income and expenses and cashflows of each joint venture attributable to the Group are incorporated in the consolidated financial statements under appropriate headings. Intercompany accounts and transactions are eliminated on consolidation.

Financial Instruments

The remaining financial instruments at 31 December 2002 are held by the Morila company and relate to project financing. Randgold Resources' attributable share is as follows:

- 112 522 ounces sold forward at a fixed price of US$275/oz over the period January 2003 to December 2004;

- 39 836 ounces of purchased call options for the same period at prices between US$350/oz and US$360/oz.

At present prices the percentage of production which is hedged is approximately 11% for the next 2 years. After 2004 all sales will be fully exposed to the spot gold price. The facility is margin free.

Operations Morila

On 10 December 2002, Morila poured its millionth ounce of gold during that year, one of the few mines in the world to achieve this. Infill drilling and drilling on the margins has already almost replaced the depleted reserves as well as making a significant contribution to replacing the resources.

For the year ended 31 December 2002, 1 052 816 ounces were produced at a cash operating cost of US$52/oz and total cash costs of US$74/oz. This achievement ranks Morila, on an annual production basis, among the largest as well as the highest-margin producers worldwide.

As predicted, Morila produced another excellent set of results for the December quarter as grades remained relatively high although lower than the previous quarter. In total 325 273 ounces were produced at a cash operating cost of US$54/oz and a total cash cost of US$78/oz. The head grade for the quarter reduced to 17.1 g/t. Concurrent with the slightly lower grade, the milling rate increased and in December a new record of 288 402 tons milled was achieved.

This outstanding performance was made possible by the identification of a high grade zone trending southwest to northeast and the mining of a particularly high grade pod in this payshoot. Geological analysis and modelling indicates that there is a strong possibility of obtaining additional high grade zones within this high grade axis. The mine is currently scheduling a further drilling programme to test this opportunity.

A continual process of optimisation is ensuring that the orebody will bedeveloped to its full extent. It is planned to expand the capacity of the plant during the year, through an increase in crushing capacity and four extra carbon-in-leach tanks. Improved control of mill feed size is also expected to further optimise mill throughput, leading to profitable treatment of previously uneconomic lower grade tail ounces.


              Quarter    Quarter    Quarter    12 months   12 months
                ended      ended      ended        ended       ended
               31 Dec     31 Dec    30 Sept       31 Dec      31 Dec
 US$000          2002       2001       2002         2002        2001
 Tons mined
   (000)        6 063      7 677      5 548       26 321      23 067

 Ore tons mined
   (000)          542        753        849        3 230       3 429

 Tons processed
   (000)          669        755        546        2 735       2 855

 Head grade
  (g/t)(a)       17.1        6.6       27.7         13.4         7.5

  (%)(a)         88.4       91.8       88.1         89.3        92.4

  produced    325 273    144 189    428 421    1 052 816     631 650

 Average price
   (US$/ounce)    316        277        310          308         273

 Cash operating
    (US$/ounce)    54         98         28           52          84

 Total cash
    (US$/ounce)    78        117         49           74         103
 Cash profit
  (US$000)     85 398     19 660    105 690       250 052    107 935
  produced    130 109     57 676    171 368        421 126    252 660
 Cash profit
  (US$000)     34 159      7 864     42 276        100 021     41 666

 (a) Head grade milled and recovery percentage for the quarters ending
 September and December 2002 have been recalculated based on the
 'recovery plus residue' method due to the extremely high variable
 head grades fed to the plant during the quarter.

 As indicated earlier, successful exploration has allowed almost total
 replacement of the reserves and partial replacement of the resources.
 The resource and reserve base for Morila as at end 2002 is tabulated
 below with the comparison to last year's figures.

 Category                                                    Attribu-
                Tons (Mt)        Grade (G/t)     Gold (Mozs)    table
              2002     2001    2002     2001    2002     2001   (Mozs)

 Morila                                                           40%

 Measured     5.34     2.21    5.52     1.80    0.95     0.13
 Indicated   27.00    34.13    4.32     4.53    3.75     4.97

 Sub-total   32.34    36.34    4.52     4.37    4.70     5.10     1.88
 Inferred     4.74    10.55    3.40     2.44    0.52     0.83     0.21
 Total       37.08    46.89    4.37     3.93    5.21     5.93     2.09

 Category                                                    Attribu-
               Tons (Mt)        Grade (G/t)      Gold (Mozs)    table
              2002     2001    2002     2001    2002     2001   (Mozs)
 Morila                                                           40%

 Proven        4.7     0.88    6.23     3.06    0.94     0.09
 Probable     23.1    26.85    4.42     4.83    3.28     4.17
 Total        27.8    27.74    4.72     4.78    4.22     4.26     1.7

Discontinued Operations - Syama

A number of proposals have been received from companies seeking to acquire Randgold Resources' shareholding in the Syama Mine, placed on care and maintenance one year ago. The proposals involve options to carry out due diligence studies to evaluate the viability of the mine and, if exercised, will result in cash payments as well as possible future gold production royalty payments.

The proposals will be submitted for approval to the boards of Syama and Randgold Resources in the first quarter of 2003. Should they fail to conclude in a transfer of ownership, and the gold price does not rise to a substainable level sufficient for economic operation to recommence, management will recommend a phased disposal of the plant and equipment to complete the rehabilitation of the mine.

The dispute with Rolls-Royce Power Ventures was resolved within the Company's expectation, in terms of which all legal process was withdrawn by the parties.

As at 31 December 2002, a total liability of US$2.7 million was outstanding in the accounts of the Company. In terms of the settlement agreement this amount will be paid in two equal payments in December 2003 and December 2004.



                   Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited   Audited
                    quarter   quarter   quarter     12         12
                     ended     ended     ended     months    months
                    31 Dec    31 Dec    30 Sept     ended     ended
                                                   31 Dec    31 Dec
 US$000              2002      2001       2002      2002      2001

 Gold sales
   revenue              --      1 494       --        --      16 723
 Cost of sales
  costs                 --      2 351       --        --      23 732
 Termination costs      --        519       --        --       1 470
 Transport and
  refinery costs        --          3       --        --         135
 Cash operating
  costs                 --      2 873       --        --      25 337
 Royalties              --        111       --        --       1 053
 Total cash costs       --      2 984       --        --      26 390
 Depreciation and
    amortisation        --        --        --        --        --
 (Loss) from
  operations            --     (1 490)      --        --      (9 667)
  expense               --        --        --        --      (1 009)
  instruments           --         (30)      363      (775)    7 638
 Other income
  (expenses)          (1 489)   2 943     (2 012)   (4 777)   (4 709)
 Loss on
  taxes               (1 489)   1 423     (1 649)   (5 552)   (7 747)
 Income tax                       (11)      --        --         260
 Net (loss)/
  profit              (1 489)   1 412     (1 649)   (5 552)   (7 487)

Projects and Evaluation

Tongon Prefeasibility

As noted last quarter, the current conflict in Cote d'Ivoire has led to the postponement of a planned drilling programme to further the Feasibility Study Type 3. In the meantime off-site investigative work is being progressed.

Current inferred resource stands at 34 million tons at a grade of 2.65 g/t, for a total of 2.89 million ounces in situ.

Loulo Project - Updated Feasibility Study

Over the past year, work has focused on updating the feasibility study. After re-optimisation and additional metallurgical testwork which confirmed the orebodies positive reaction to a gravity separation process, a 3 000 metre plus drilling programme was completed. The eleven-hole infill diamond drilling programme on the Loulo 0 deposit confirmed grade continuity within the main payshoots and reduced interhole spacing to an average of 50 metres within the scheduled pit. Detailed mine planning and scheduling is in progress to determine the optimum mining rate for the two pits. Work is focused on pursuingspecific opportunities which will further enhance the project. These relate to optimisation of the mining rate, Government co-operation with off-mine infrastructure and the possible supply of hydro-electric power. The Mali Government has formed an inter-ministerial commission, which is now actively addressing issues of access roads, power and water supply, as well as the outstanding fiscal issues.

Current resource base is as follows:

 Category                                                    Attribut-
                Tons (Mt)        Grade (G/t)     Gold (Mozs)      Gold
               2002     2001    2002     2001    2002     2001  (Mozs)
 Loulo                                                             80%

 Measured     17.77    17.76    3.88     3.92    2.23     2.24
 Indicated     8.70     8.26    4.37     4.27    1.23     1.13
 Sub-total    26.47    26.02    4.04     4.03    3.46     3.37    2.77
 Inferred      7.66     7.66    3.26     3.24    0.80     0.80    0.64
 Total        34.13    33.68    3.88     3.85    4.26     4.17    3.41

 Category                                                  Attribut-
                 Tons (Mt)        Grade (G/t)    Gold (Mozs)    Gold
               2002     2001    2002     2001    2002     2001  (Mozs)
 Loulo                                                            80%

 Proven        11.8    13.96    3.70     3.74    1.41     1.68
 Probable       1.1     0.62    3.00     2.34    0.11     0.05
 Total         12.9    14.58    3.60     3.68    1.52     1.73     1.2

The ore reserve has reduced slightly as a result of the design change toshallower pits which has had the advantage of significantly reducing thestripping ratios.

Exploration Activities

During 2002 exploration activities included the development of a new geological model for Morila and subsequent drilling which demonstrates that the orebody is still open; an increase in groundholdings around Morila mine to 3 003 km2 and the definition of 21 gold targets; the discovery of a new target west of the Loulo 0 deposit; acquisition of two new permits and a balanced gold target portfolio in Senegal; the generation of new opportunities in Tanzania and finally the curtailment of exploration work in Burkina Faso.

The business plan for 2003 is designed to expand our resource base in Morila and Loulo; locate additional Morila-style mineralisation within the Company's permits surrounding the mine and prioritise selected targets for drilling; advance our target portfolio in Senegal and re-establish activities in Tanzania.

On the Morila mine lease, remodelling of the orebody outlined the concept of a flat-lying mineralised structure that is open in all directions. Drill testing on the western margin appears to confirm this model intersecting Morila-style mineralisation and returning intercepts of 29 metres to 63 metres grading 2.0 to 2.5 g/t. The furthest significant intercept locates 250 metres west of the current pit. Exploratory drilling continues on the southern and eastern marginsof the orebody, which include significantly higher grade zones.

On the Loulo Project, the Loulo 0 West target locates 350 metres west of and in the hanging-wall to Loulo 0. Infill trenching, geological mapping and re-sampling of old boreholes within the hanging-wall has outlined a 700 metre zone with grades of between 1g/t and 5g/t over widths of 8 metres to 10 metres.

This target will be drill-tested during the forthcoming quarter.

In Senegal, the Company acquired two new permits and now holds a contiguous block of 1 200 km2 hosting a variety of targets including five with significant gold intersections, multiple gold in soil anomalies and grassroots areas in favourable geological settings. Field programmes are focused on target definition and include detailed mapping and trenching of the Tomboronkoto target where a quartz vein stockwork locates within an east - west structural zone in a granodiorite.

In Tanzania, the Company has completed a comprehensive generative study of the Southern Lake Victoria Goldfields and defined priority target areas for acquisition. Eight prospecting license applications have been submitted.


The strategic objective of improving the tradeability of the Company's stock through a secondary listing on Nasdaq is being achieved. In the light of the significant increase in the share price, and to create still more liquidity, the directors have decided to split the current 1 to 2 ratio of ADR's to shares to a ratio of 1 ADR to 1 ordinary share. The Company has initiated the process of effecting the ratio change and a further announcement in this regard will be made within the next 30 days.

Morila continues to generate substantial cash, providing a platform on which to grow Randgold Resources. The recent drilling programme on lease indicates potential for further additions to the current orebody. Morila is budgeting in excess of 800 000 ounces at a total cash cost of below US$100/oz for 2003.

The updated feasibility study for Loulo will be completed in the first quarter of 2003.

Over the last quarter of 2002, the Company has stepped up its pursuit of new opportunities for expansion by acquisition or through a partnership in Africa and elsewhere. It is also maintaining its organic growth drive through aggressive exploration programmes designed to generate further prospects for incorporation into its development portfolio. With its strong balance sheet and improved share price, the Company is well-placed to take full advantage of opportunities that meet its criteria.

On behalf of Randgold Resources Limited

R A R Kebble, Chairman

D M Bristow, Chief Executive

12 February 2003

Registered office:

La Motte Chambers, La Motte Street, St Helier, Jersey JEI IBJ, Channel Islands

Web-site: www.randgoldresources.com


Computershare Investor Services (Channel Islands) Limited, P.O. Box 83, Ordnance House, 31 Pier Road, St Helier, Jersey JE4 8PW, Channel Islands

Transfer agents: Computershare Services Plc, P.O. Box 663, 7th Floor, Jupiter House, Triton Court, 14 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1BR

Investor & media relations:

For further information contact Kathy du Plessis on

Telephone +27(11) 728-4701, Fax +27(11) 728-2547, e-mail:randgoldresources@dpapr.com


For further information call:

(CEO) Mark Bristow +44 779 775 2288(CFO) Roger Williams +44 779 771 9660


London, 12 February 2003 - Recent geological results indicate the possibility of finding further high-grade areas within a high grade axis of the ore body at the Morila gold mine in Mali, joint-venture partner Randgold Resources said today.

Exceptionally high grades mined there during the September and December quarters propelled Randgold Resources to record profits and production levels for the year 2002.

Last year's performance was based on the identification of a high-grade zone tending southwest to northeast and the mining of a particularly high-grade pod within this payshoot. "Geological analysis and modelling now indicate that there is a strong possibility of obtaining additional high grade areas within this high-grade axis. The mine is currently scheduling a further drilling programme to test this opportunity," the Company said.

Meanwhile, a continual process of optimisation is ensuring that the orebody will be exploited to its full extent. As part of this process, the mine is planning to increase its plant capacity during 2003 by increasing crushing capacity and installing four additional carbon-in-leach tanks. Improved control of mill feed size is expected to optimise mill throughput further, allowing the profitable treatment of previously uneconomic lower-grade tail ounces.

Issued on behalf of Randgold Resources Limited by du Plessis Associates.dPA contact Kathy du Plessis on Tel: 27(11) 728 4701, mobile: (0)83 266 5847 or

e-mail: randgoldresources@dpapr.com

------------------------------------------------------------------------DISCLAIMER: Statements made in this document with respect to RandgoldResources' current plans, estimates, strategies and beliefs and other statements that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements about the future performance of Randgold Resources. These statements are based on management's assumptions and beliefs in light of the information currently available to it. Randgold Resources cautions you that a number of important risks and uncertainties could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements, and therefore you should not place undue reliance on them. The potential risks and uncertainties include, among others, risks associated with: fluctuations in the market price of gold, gold production at Morila, estimates of reserves and mine life and liabilities arising from the closure of the Syama. Randgold Resources assumes no obligation to update information in this release.

This information is provided by RNS, the company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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