Ms. N. McKinstry (US, 44) has been a member of the Executive Board of Wolters Kluwer nv since June 2001. Her portfolio includes Legal, Tax & Business North America, and worldwide Technology and Pricing. McKinstry holds a MBA degree in Finance and Marketing from Columbia University and a Bachelor Degree in Economics from the University of Rhode Island (URI).
Nancy McKinstry was previously CEO of Legal, Tax & Business North America. She held a succession of senior positions up to 1999 with CCH, including President and CEO of CCH Legal Information Services, Vice President of Product Management and Senior Officer, and Assistant Vice President of the Electronic Products Division of CCH Incorporated. Prior to joining Wolters Kluwer, she held several management positions with Booz, Allen & Hamilton. McKinstry was also for a brief period CEO of SCP Communications, a medical information company.
Ms. N. McKinstry succeeds Mr. R. Pieterse (NL, 60), who will step down as Chairman on the date of her appointment, September 1, 2003. Rob Pieterse has worked for 25 years at Wolters Kluwer including 15 years as member of the Executive Board. He became Chairman of the Executive Board of Wolters Kluwer in March 2000.
Mr. Henny de Ruiter, Chairman of the Supervisory Board said: 'I am pleased that we found a good successor for Rob Pieterse within the company. With the appointment of Nancy McKinstry we are building on management experience and ensuring continuity at the top of the company. Nancy is an excellent candidate. She has broad business experience and is an ambitious leader.'
The Supervisory Board also plans to submit a proposal for the appointment of Mr. B.L.J.M. Beerkens (NL, 39) as member of the Executive Board to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on April16, 2003. In order to guarantee continuity of financial expertise in the Executive Board, it will be proposed that Boudewijn Beerkens, presently Chief Financial Officer/Senior Vice President Finance, will be appointed as Chief Financial Officer in the Executive Board of Wolters Kluwer as of May 1, 2003.
Prior to his present position at Wolters Kluwer, Mr. Beerkens was Managing Partner at PriceWaterhouseCoopers N.V. responsible for the service line Corporate Finance and Recovery. Mr. Beerkens gained his international experience in Brazil in the retail business, and in banking in London (UK).
Boudewijn Beerkens holds a MBA degree in Business Administration from the Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) of the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) and a (doctoraal) Masters Degree in both Dutch Civil Law and Notarial Law from the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam (VU).
After the above changes have come into effect the Executive Board will consist of four members, Nancy McKinstry (Chairman), Boudewijn Beerkens (CFO), Jean-Marc Detailleur and Hugh Yarrington.
Changes in the Supervisory Board
At the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of April 16, 2003, Mr. A.H.C.M. Walravens (62) will resign from the SupervisoryBoard because of the expiry of his term.
Note for the editor
Wolters Kluwer is a multinational information services company with annual revenues of more than EUR 3.9 billion, employing almost 20,000 people in Europe, North America, and Asia Pacific. The company's core activities are Legal, Tax & Business, Health and Education. Wolters Kluwer's shares are quoted on the Euronext Amsterdam and are included in the AEX and Euronext 100 indices.
The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will take place on April 16, 2003.
Announcements financial results:
Trading update 1st quarter: May 14, 2003
Figures first-half 2003: August 12, 2003
Trading update 3rd quarter November 12, 2003
For more information, please contact:
Caroline Wouters, tel. +31 20 6070 335
e-mail: (press)
Oya Yavuz, tel. +31 20 6070 407
e-mail: (investor relations)