New Head of Debt Management Department

Charlotte Lundberg is currently head of the foreign exchange reserve management and deputy head of the department for market operations at the Swedish Riksbank. Charlotte Lundberg also has experiences from capital management.
The Debt Management Department has some 20 co-workers. It is responsible for the state funding, liquidity management and currency debt management.
The Swedish central government debt is currently SEK 1,235 billion. Approximately one third of the debt is denominated in foreign currencies. The Swedish National Debt Office has an active management of parts of the currency debt.
-We are very happy to recruit Charlotte Lundberg, who has a solid experience in the working field, says Erik Thedéen, Deputy Director General.
Erik Thedéen was the former Head of the Debt Management Department. However, this department was divided in two separate departments at the turn of the year: Retail Market, with Christine Holm as Head, and Debt Management, with Charlotte Lundberg as the new Head.
Charlotte Lundberg assumes the duties on August 25, 2003.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Erik Thedéen, Deputy Director General
tel: +46 (0)8-613 46 46