A registration facility for the event is easily accessible on our homepage
You can also confirm your attendance by contacting Mrs. Minna Lyhykäinen
Tel: +358 10 429 3504
Fax: +358 10 429 4435
We hope that you and/or a colleague will be able to attend. We would be most grateful if you could inform us about your possibility to join the Seminar by no later than Tuesday, 3 June.
Please note that you will not have to re-register if you have already announced about your participation on the basis of our Save the Date message. We shall reconfirm your registration some days prior to the event.
Looking forward to seeing you here at Orion
Anne Allo
Anne Allo
Johtaja, sijoittajasuhteet
Vice President, IR
Orion-yhtymä Oyj / Orion Corporation
Orionintie 1, P.O.Box 65, FIN-02101 Espoo, Finland
Puh. 010 429 3735. Phone +358 10 429 3735
GSM 050 429 3735. Mobile phone +358 50 429 3735
Fax 010 429 4435. Fax +358 10 429 4435
Please find enclosed the Invitation together with the Programme of the event.