Robeco Alternative Investments today announced that its recent launch of the Robeco Multi Market Bonds has raised the equivalent of more than EUR 290 million of client cash inflow.
Robeco Multi Market Bonds is an international offering in two currency classes, euros and US dollars, and is primarily aimed at private clients. The EUR 290 million raised demonstrates the demand for alternative investment products. The client money was raised primarily in Europe and Asia, and through the intermediation of over 30 distribution partners.
The next international offering of Robeco Multi Market Bonds is planned for the second half of this year.
About the product
Robeco Multi Market Bonds offer the opportunity to participate in various markets in a systematic and consistent manner. The underlying investments are well diversified over various markets and asset classes, including not only equities and bonds, but also currencies, commodities, base and precious metals, agricultural and energy products, through the use of various financial instruments such as futures and forward contracts. This well-diversified portfolio offers risk diversification and a low correlation with equity and bond markets. The structure of the bonds ensures that at least 112% of the nominal value of each Robeco Multi Market Bond will be paid out at maturity (July 2013), while the projected annualized return based on historical results over the past ten years is approximately 15.7% for the EUR bond and 15.2% for the USD bond. No coupon payments are expected to be paid during the life of Robeco Multi Market Bonds, and returns will therefore materialize upon maturity. The investment structure also provides for partial lock-ins of certain positive returns attained during the life of Robeco Multi Market Bonds.
For more information visit and click on 'Structured finance'.
About Robeco
Robeco provides discretionary asset management products and services, as well as a complete range of mutual funds to a large number of institutional and retail clients worldwide. Robeco's product range encompasses fixed-income and equity investments, as well as balanced accounts, money-market funds and alternative investments.
Robeco distributes its funds for the retail market directly, and through other financial institutions. Several of its mutual funds, including the flagship Robeco N.V., are listed on major European stock exchanges such as Amsterdam, Paris, Frankfurt and London.
As well as from its head office in Rotterdam, Robeco services its clients from its European offices in Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Germany and Spain. In the United States, Robeco has offices in New York, Chicago and San Francisco (Weiss, Peck & Greer), Boston (Boston Partners), White Plains (Sage Capital Management) and Toledo (Harbor Capital Advisors).
Robeco is the center for asset management with full operational independence within the Rabobank Group. The combination of the highest credit ratings from the major international rating agencies and the highest Sustainability Cluster Score within the banking sector reflects the high added value Rabobank has always offered its investors, members, clients and employees.