Nordisk Renting Interim Report 1 January -- 30 June 2003

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Aug. 21, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- Nordisk Renting:

 - Group profit before profit from sales of property and tax
   amounted to SEK 154 m (156). Profit after tax totalled 
   SEK 128 m (126).
 - Profit from the Group's interest-linked lease agreements
   increased by SEK 19 m over last year, while earnings from
   non-interest-linked lease agree-ments were down on last 
   year, primarily as a result of property sales in 2002.
 - Properties were acquired and new investments made to a total of
   SEK 1,075 m (1,037). In addition, agreements concerning future 
   new investments worth SEK 340 m (222) were entered into. Sales
   of property for the period amounted to SEK 60 m (563).
 - The Group's net sales for the period amounted to SEK 749 m
   (716), and on 30 June the balance sheet total equalled 
   SEK 17,310 m compared with SEK 16,946 m at the beginning of 
   the year.
 - At the end of the period, the Group managed 203 properties
   corresponding to a total of 1.9 million square metres, with a
   book value of SEK 16.8 bn.
 - At the beginning of May 2003, The Royal Bank of Scotland signed
   an agreement with Nordea to acquire all shares in Nordisk
   Renting AB.

For further information, please contact: Reinhold Geijer, President & CEO, Nordisk Renting AB, tel: +46 (0)8 670 98 00

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