Bristol, UK, Oct. 21, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- 5. Pension and post retirement benefit schemes
The Group operates a number of pension and post retirement healthcare schemes throughout the world. The major schemes are of the defined benefit type and the assets of the schemes are largely held in separate trustee administered funds. The UK funds represent approximately 80% of the overall pension liabilities of the Group and are closed to new members. Full actuarial reviews of the UK funds were carried out during the year and agreement has been reached with the scheme trustees on funding for the next three years.
The Group has continued to account for pensions in accordance with SSAP24 for the year ended 31 August 2003. Additional information required under the transitional arrangements for the introduction of FRS 17 is set out below. The Group intends to fully adopt the FRS 17 accounting standard for the year ending 31 August 2004.
SSAP 24 disclosures
United Kingdom
The assets and liabilities of the defined benefit UK schemes are reviewed regularly by an actuary. A full assessment is undertaken every three years for funding purposes and the latest full actuarial valuation of the UK schemes was carried as at 6 April 2003 by an independent actuary. The valuation is based on a market value approach using the projected unit credit method. The most important assumptions are the discount rate, the rate of increase in remuneration and the pension increase rate.
The funding position as at 6 April 2003 is used as the basis of the SSAP 24 accounting purposes. The main assumptions were a discount rate of 7.5% (2002: 7.5%) per annum, remuneration increases of 4% (2002: 4.5%) per annum for the Main Fund and 5.5% (2002 4.5%) per annum for the Executives Fund and pension increases of 3.2% (2002: 3.5%) per annum. The market value of the Main Fund was GBP1,129m (2002: GBP1,397m) and the funding level was 107% (2002: 106%). The market value of the Executive Fund was GBP325m (2002: GBP379m) and the funding level was 81% (2002: 83%).
The Group operates defined benefit pension and post retirement medical benefit plans in several countries overseas, with the most significant being in the US and Canada. The latest actuarial reviews of these plans were carried out as at 31 August 2002 by independent actuaries for the purpose of calculating pension costs for the year ended 31 August 2003.
The actuarial reviews of the US plans showed that the combined market value of pension plan assets was GBP151m at 31 August 2002 (2001: GBP186m). This represents approximately 105% (2001: 144%) of the value of benefits that had accrued to pensioners, deferred pensioners and members as at that date. The principal assumptions used to calculate the liabilities at 31 August 2002 were an assumed discount rate of 6.25% (2001: 7.25%) per annum and earnings increases of 5% (2001: 5%) per annum.
The actuarial reviews of the Canadian plans showed that the combined market value of pension plan assets was GBP113m at 31 August 2002 (2001: GBP132m). This represents approximately 95% (2001: 108%) of the value of benefits that had accrued to pensioners, deferred pensioners and members as at that date. The principal assumptions used to calculate the liabilities at 31 August 2002 were an assumed discount rate of 6.74% (2001: 6.94%) per annum and earnings increases of 4.38% (2001: 4.98%) per annum.
FRS 17 disclosures
The following information complies with the transitional requirements of FRS 17 and is for disclosure purposes only.
Major assumptions 31 August 31 August 31 August 2001 2003 2002 United United United Kingdom Overseas Kingdom Overseas Kingdom Overseas % % % % % % Rate of 4.0 4.4 4.1 4.8 4.3 5.2 general increase in salaries Rate of 3.1 1.8 3.1 2.1 3.3 2.1 increase to benefits Discount rate 5.6 6.0 6.0 6.5 6.1 7.3 for scheme liabilities Inflation 2.5 3.0 2.3 2.1 2.5 2.7 The expected long term rate of returns of the significant schemes is :- Equities 7.5 8.2 *7.5 8.7 8.0 10.0 Bonds 5.0 5.8 5.0 6.1 5.5 6.5 Property 5.5 4.3 5.2 4.4 6.5 4.0 and other *31 August 2002 assumption amended from 8.5% to 7.5%
5. Pension and post retirement benefit schemes (continued) FRS 17 disclosures (continued) Net pension and post retirement medical benefits (PRMB) liability 31 August 2003 31 August 2002 31 August 2001 United United United Kingdom Overseas Kingdom Overseas Kingdom Overseas market market market market market market value value value value value value GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm Equities 814 156 896 206 1,182 273 Bonds 594 161 458 115 469 126 Property 143 14 197 6 195 18 and other Total 1,551 331 1,551 327 1,846 417 market value of assets Present (2,004) (464) (1,941) (417) (1,877) (421) value of scheme liabilities Deficit in (453) (133) (390) (90) (31) (4) the schemes Related 136 45 117 27 9 1 deferred tax asset Net pension (317) (88) (273) (63) (22) (3) and PRMB liability
The amounts charged to profit and loss account under FRS 17 would have been:- 31 August 31 August 31 August 2003 2002 2001 United United United Kingdom Overseas Kingdom Overseas Kingdom Overseas GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm Regular 10 19 6 9 8 8 service cost Past - - - 7 - - service cost Interest 114 26 110 28 121 21 cost Expected (98) (22) (130) (32) (161) (32) return on assets Profit and 26 23 (14) 12 (32) (3) loss charge/(credit
Analysis of amount that would have been included within the Group statement of recognised gains and losses under FRS 17 :- 31 August 31 Ausust 2003 2002 United United Kingdom Overseas Kingdom Overseas GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm Actual return less (12) (6) (320) (64) expected return on pension scheme assets Experience gains and 20 (4) (62) - losses arising on the scheme liabilities Changes in assumptions (71) (22) (19) (19) underlying the present value of the scheme liabilities Actuarial loss recognised in (63) (32) (401) (83) Group statement of total recognised gains and losses Deferred 19 11 120 25 tax movement Actuarial loss recognised in Group (44) (21) (281) (58) statement of total recognised gains and losses - net of tax
The history of experience gains and losses would have been:- 31 August 31 August 2003 2002 United United Kingdom Overseas Kingdom Overseas Actual return less expected return on pension scheme assets Amount (GBPm) (12) (6) (320) (64) Percentage of (1%) (2%) (21%) (20%) the scheme assets (%) Experience gains and losses arising on the scheme liabilities Amount (GBPm) 20 (4) (62) - Percentage of the present (1%) 1% 3% - value of the scheme liabilities (%) Actuarial loss recognised in Group statement of total recognised gains and losses Amount (GBPm) (63) (32) (401) (83) Percentage of the present 3% 7% 21% 20% value of the scheme liabilities (%) 5. Pension and post retirement benefit schemes (continued) FRS 17 disclosures (continued) The movement in deficit during the year under FRS 17 would have been:- 31 August 2003 31 August 2002 United United Kingdom Overseas Kingdom Overseas GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm Deficit in scheme at (273) (63) (22) (3) beginning of year net of deferred tax Movement in year: Current (10) (19) (6) (9) service cost Past - - - (7) service cost Contributions 26 16 16 4 Other (16) (4) 20 4 finance income Currency - 3 - 6 translation adjustment Deferred tax movement 19 11 120 25 on actuarial loss Actuarial (63) (32) (401) (83) loss Deficit in scheme at the (317) (88) (273) (63) end of the year net of deferred tax
Group net assets and profit and loss account reserves under FRS 17 would have been :- 31 August 31 August 2003 2002 GBPm GBPm Group net assets Net assets per Group 994 786 balance sheet Less pension and post retirement benefits (147) (149) reported under SSAP 24 (net of deferred tax) Add pension and post retirement benefits (405) (336) reported under FRS 17 (net of deferred tax) Net assets under FRS 17 442 301 Group profit and loss account Profit and loss 1,299 1,087 account per Group balance sheet Less pension and post retirement benefits (147) (149) reported under SSAP 24 (net of deferred tax) Add pension and post retirement benefits (405) (336) reported under FRS 17 (net of deferred tax) Profit and loss account under FRS 17 747 602
6. Operating costs Year Year to to 31 31 August August 2003 2002 Note GBPm GBPm Change in stocks of (72) (94) finished goods and work in progress Raw 838 840 materials and consumables Customs and - ongoing 671 638 excise duties paid -Mexican (38) (213) excise rebate Staff costs 4 466 396 Depreciation 13 75 75 Goodwill 40 38 amortisation Other operating 783 903 charges including exceptional items Operating - hire of 11 11 leases equipment - property rents 48 48 Payments to - fees 3 6 auditor for audit 2,825 2,648 The parent company audit fee was nil (2002: nil). Other payments to the auditor were GBP1m (2002: GBP4m) which primarily relate to taxation services. Mexican excise rebate The Mexican Supreme Court ruled in 2000 in favour of an action, brought by a number of spirits companies challenging the excise duty regime applicable to their Mexican operations during 1998 and 1999. Its ruling determined that the tax was inequitable because it was applied only to large companies. The Mexican Supreme Court awarded compensation which, by agreement with the Mexican tax authorities, was principally recovered by offset against current and future duties and taxes. At 31 August 2003 the recovery was complete and GBP298m has been received over the past three financial years subject to applicable corporation tax at 35%.
7. Goodwill amortisation and exceptional items Year to Year to 31 August 31 August 2003 2002 GBPm GBPm Goodwill amortisation (40) (38) Exceptional items Mexican excise rebate 38 213 Mexican social projects - (11) Acquisition integration (3) (36) costs Termination of land lease - (23) Asset write-downs 2 (14) Restructuring - QSR (9) - Total exceptional items 28 129 within operating costs Goodwill amortisation and (12) 91 exceptional items before taxation Taxation (8) (46) Goodwill amortisation and (20) 45 exceptional items after taxation 8. Finance charges Year to Year to 31 August 31 August 2003 2002 GBPm GBPm Interest on bank loans 31 63 and overdrafts Interest on other loans 107 75 Less: deposit and other (12) (8) interest receivable Total 126 130 9. Taxation Year to Year to 31 31 August August 2003 2002 GBPm GBPm The charge for taxation on the profit for the period comprises: Current tax United Kingdom taxation Corporation 25 18 tax at 30% (2002: 30%) Adjustment in (1) (3) respect of prior periods Double (1) (3) taxation relief 23 12 Overseas taxation Corporation 60 188 tax Adjustment in 9 (26) respect of prior periods 69 162 Taxation on attributable profit of 10 7 associated undertakings Total current tax 102 181 Deferred tax Origination 65 (10) and reversal of timing differences Adjustment in (32) 5 respect of prior periods Recognition of (8) (10) deferred tax assets arising in prior periods Total tax charge 127 166
A reconciliation of the current tax charge at the UK corporation tax rate of 30% (2002: 30%) to the Group's current tax on profit on ordinary activities is shown below : Year to Year to 31 August 31 August 2003 2002 GBPm GBPm Profit on ordinary activities 483 571 before taxation Notional charge at United Kingdom 145 171 corporation tax rate of 30% Differences in effective overseas 16 18 tax rates Adjustments to prior period tax 8 (29) charges Taxable intra-group dividend 5 14 income Utilisation of tax losses not - (14) recognised Non deductible expenditure 13 22 Non taxable income and gains (12) (10) Losses and other timing (65) 10 differences Other current year items (8) (1) ' Current tax charge 102 181 10. Earnings per share Basic earnings per share of 31.6p (2002: 36.8p) has been calculated on earnings of GBP340m (2002: GBP392m) divided by the average number of shares of 1,075m (2002: 1,066m). Diluted earnings per share of 31.6p (2002: 36.7p) has been calculated on earnings of GBP340m (2002: GBP392m) and after including the effect of all dilutive potential ordinary shares, the average number of shares is 1,076m (2002: 1,069m).
10. Earnings per share To show earnings per share on a consistent basis, normalised earnings per share of 33.5p (2002: 32.6p) has been calculated on normalised earnings of GBP360m (2002: GBP347m) divided by the average number shares of 1,075m (2002: 1,066m). Normalised earnings has been calculated as follows: Year to Year to 31 31 August August 2003 2002 GBPm GBPm Earnings as 340 392 reported Adjustment for (18) (81) exceptional items net of tax Adjustment for goodwill 38 36 amortisation net of tax Normalised 360 347 earnings Average millions millions number of shares Weighted average Ordinary Shares 1,107 1,087 in issue during the year Weighted average Ordinary Shares owned by the (32) (21) Allied Domecq employee trusts* Weighted average Ordinary Shares used in 1,075 1,066 earnings per share calculation * Includes American Depositary Shares representing underlying Ordinary Shares. 11. Ordinary dividends Year Year to Year Year to to to 31 31 August 31 31 August 2002 August August 2003 2003 2002 GBPm GBPm p p Interim 57 53 5.30 4.90 Final 93 88 8.70 8.10 150 141 14.00 13.00 The 2003 interim dividend was paid on 25 July 2003 and the final dividend will be paid on 4 February 2004. 12. Intangible assets 31 31 August August Other 2003 2002 Goodwill Brands Intangibles Total Total GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm Cost At the 785 555 35 1,375 635 beginning of the year Currency - - - - - translation adjustment Additions - - - - 740 At the end 785 555 35 1,375 1,375 of the year Amortisation At the (53) - (6) (59) (17) beginning of the year Currency - - - - - translation adjustment Charged in (40) - (3) (43) (42) the year At the end (93) - (9) (102) (59) of the year Net balance at 692 555 26 1,273 1,316 the end of the year Goodwill is being amortised over 20 years. Brands relates to the acquisition of Malibu in 2002; an impairment review was carried out at the balance sheet date and the Directors are satisfied that the brand has not suffered any loss in value. Other intangibles are being amortised over ten years. 13. Tangible assets Land and Plant and Buildings equipment Total Cost GBPm GBPm GBPm At the 698 677 1,375 beginning of the year Currency 42 24 66 translation adjustment 740 701 1,441 Capital 49 92 141 expenditure Disposals and (16) (72) (88) transfers At the end of 773 721 1,494 the year Depreciation At the (145) (353) (498) beginning of the year Currency (10) (16) (26) translation adjustment (155) (369) (524) Disposals and 4 67 71 transfers Charge for the (18) (57) (75) year At the end of (169) (359) (528) the year Net book value at 604 362 966 31 August 2003 Net book value at 553 324 877 31 August 2002 31 August 2003 31 August 2002 At Net book At Net book cost value cost value GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm Freehold land 689 548 630 511 and buildings Long lease land 17 15 14 13 and buildings Short lease 67 41 54 29 land and buildings Total land and 773 604 698 553 buildings 14. Investments and loans Franchise Investments and trade Listed Unlisted loans Total GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm Group At the 102 16 8 126 beginning of the year Currency - - - - translation adjustment Additions 43 - 1 44 Disposals (6) (3) (1) (10) and transfers At the end 139 13 8 160 of the year
Included within listed investments is GBP129m (2002: GBP93m) in respect of a holding of 32,549,067 (2002: 24,514,993) Ordinary Shares of 25p each of the Company, purchased by the parent company (see below) and held by the trustees of the Group's employee trusts. The market value of these shares was GBP124m (2002: GBP100m) at 31 August 2003.
The listed investments also include GBP8m (2002: GBP6m) in respect of a holding of 14.5% (2002: 11.2%) in Peter Lehman Wines Limited, incorporated in Australia. The market value of these shares was GBP8m (2002: GBP6m) at 31 August 2003.
The unlisted investments include a holding of 1% in Suntory Limited, incorporated in Japan. Investment in subsidiary Listed undertaking investments Total GBPm GBPm GBPm Parent company At the 4,086 93 4,179 beginning of the year Additions - 41 41 Disposals - (5) (5) At the end 4,086 129 4,215 of the year 15. Investments in associates Unlisted Listed companies companies share of share of Cost reserves reserves Loans Total GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm At the 43 12 14 2 71 beginning of the year Currency - - - - - translation adjustment Share of - 14 - - 14 retained profit for the year At the end 43 26 14 2 85 of the year The share of profits before taxation was GBP24m (2002: GBP15m) and dividends received were GBP13m (2002: GBP11m). The principal associate is a 25% equity interest in Britannia Soft Drinks Limited, a company engaged in the manufacture and sale of soft drinks. Other associates include Baskin-Robbins Japan (44% equity interest), Baskin-Robbins Korea (33% equity interest) and the Group's interest in the Miller RTD commercial partnership. The above figures comprise the amounts attributable to the Group based on the latest accounts it has been practicable to obtain, some of which are unaudited management accounts. 16. Stocks 31 31 August August 2003 2002 GBPm GBPm Raw materials 45 52 and consumables Maturing 1,047 953 inventory Finished 293 281 products Bottles, cases 22 16 and pallets 1,407 1,302 17. Debtors Group Parent company 31 August 31 August 2003 2002 2003 2002 GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm Amounts falling due within one year Trade debtors 501 537 - - Deferred tax 17 36 - - assets (note 19) Amounts due - - - 4 from subsidiary undertakings Other debtors 108 111 12 10 Prepayments and 53 52 - - accrued income 679 736 12 14 Amounts due after more than one year Pension 309 302 - - prepayments Other debtors 2 15 - - Prepayments and 15 15 - - accrued income 326 332 - - 18. Creditors Group Parent Company 31 August 31 August 2003 2002 2003 2002 GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm Amounts due within one year Trade 216 175 - - creditors Bills 17 15 - - payable Amounts - - 81 owed to subsidiary undertakings Other 312 286 6 creditors Social 10 9 - - security Taxation 228 226 - - Accruals 285 223 - - and deferred income Proposed 93 88 93 88 dividend (note 11) 1,161 1,022 180 88 Amounts due after more than one year Other 34 45 - - creditors Accruals 12 45 - - and deferred income 46 90 - -
19. Provisions for liabilities and charges Post retirement Reorganisation medical and Surplus Deferred benefits restructuring properties taxation Total GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm At the 81 49 10 144 284 beginning of the year Currency 2 (1) - 2 3 translation adjustment Timing differences - - - 2 2 within statement of recognised gains and losses Utilised (5) (29) (1) - (35 during the ) year Charged 12 12 - 5 29 during the year At the end 90 31 9 153 283 of the year
The future cost of the post retirement medical benefits is assessed in accordance with independent actuarial advice. GBP29m of reorganisation and restructuring provisions brought forward from previous years were utilised during the year. New provisions totalling GBP9m were created during the year. Of the provisions outstanding at the year end, GBP3m relate to the final stages of the acquisition integration programme, GBP16m for the termination of a land lease in California and GBP4m for the trust fund established for social and community projects in Mexico. The remainder relates to the QSR restructuring programme.
It is expected that the majority of reorganisation and restructuring costs will be incurred in the 2004 financial year, whilst the trust funds will be disbursed as the projects develop. The provision for surplus properties will be utilised over the terms of the leases to which the provisions relate.
19. Provisions for liabilities and charges (continued) Deferred taxation 31 August 31 August 2003 2002 GBPm GBPm Accelerated capital 16 28 allowances Goodwill and other 82 70 intangible assets Pensions and post other 72 72 retirement benefits Tax losses and (37) (47) credits Other timing 3 (15) differences Net deferred 136 108 taxation liability Comprising : Deferred tax asset (17) (36) (note 17) Deferred tax 153 144 liability 136 108 At the beginning of 108 111 the year Currency 1 (3) translation adjustment Timing differences within 2 12 statement of recognised gains and losses Acquisition of - 3 businesses Charged during the 25 (15) year At the end of the 136 108 year
Deferred tax assets of GBP42m at 31 August 2003 (2002: GBP49m) have not been recognised due to the degree of uncertainty over the utilisation of the underlying tax losses and deductions in certain tax jurisdictions.
Deferred tax has not been provided for liabilities which might arise on unremitted earnings of overseas subsidiaries and associates, as such earnings are reinvested by the Group and no tax is expected to be payable on them in the foreseeable future.
20. Net debt
31 August 31 August Redemption 2003 2002 date GBPm GBPm Unsecured loans GBP250m Bond (6.625%)* 2014 247 246 EUR600m Bond (5.875%)* 2009 410 376 GBP450m Bond (6.625%)* 2011 447 447 EUR800m Bond (5.5%)* 2006 550 504 NZD125m Capital Notes (9.3%) 2006 45 38 DEM500m notes (4.75%)* 2005 176 161 NZD 400m Revolving Credit Expired - 115 Facility NZD100m Revolving Credit 2006 23 - Facility* MXN 600m Revolving Credit 2008 34 - Facility Other loans Various - 16 Foreign currency swaps Various (115) (59) Secured loans NZD 225m Revolving Credit Expired - 60 Facility** Total 1,817 1,904 Less amounts repayable (2) (128) within one year Loan capital 1,815 1,776 Short-term borrowings 772 971 Cash at bank and in hand (175) (169) Net debt 2,412 2,578 * Borrowings and interest guaranteed by Allied Domecq PLC or Allied Domecq (Holdings) PLC ** Borrowings subject to a charge over Montana assets. The Euro and GBP Bonds have been partially swapped into floating rate US dollars. The parent company has short-term borrowings of nil (2002: nil)
31 August 31 August 2003 2002 GBPm GBPm Repayment schedule More than five years 1,104 1,069 Between two and five 711 647 years Between one and two years - 60 Loan capital 1,815 1,776 Short-term borrowings 772 971 Total borrowings 2,587 2,747
The funding policy of the Group is to maintain a broad portfolio of debt, diversified by source and maturity and to maintain committed facilities sufficient to cover with a minimum of GBP300m above peak borrowing requirements. At 31 August 2003 the Group had available undrawn committed bank facilities of GBP1,346m (2002: GBP1,606m) of which GBP167m (2002: GBP580m) mature in less than one year and GBP1,179m (2002: GBP1,026m) between two and five years.
21. Financial instruments
The Group's treasury policies are set out in the Operating and Financial Review. Set out below is a year end comparison of the current and book values of the Group's financial instruments by category, excluding short term debtors and creditors. Where available, market rates have been used to determine current values. Where market rates are not available, current values have been calculated by discounting cash flows at prevailing interest and exchange rates.
31 August 31 August 2003 2002 Book Current Book Current value vale value value GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm Cash at 175 175 169 169 bank and in hand Short-term (772) (772) (971) (971) borrowings Loan (1,815) (1,932) (1,776) (1,829) capital Net (2,412) (2,529) (2,578) (2,631) Interest rate risk management
Exposure to interest rate fluctuations on borrowings and deposits is managed by using cross currency swaps, interest rate swaps and purchased interest rate options. The Group has a fixed/floating debt target of 70% +/- 10%. At the year end, taking account of swaps, 70% (2002: 61%) of net debt was at fixed rates of interest. At the year end, the weighted average maturity of net debt was approximately 4 years (2002: 4.9 years).
31 August 31 August 2003 2002 Book Current Book Current value vale value value GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm Interest rate 1 (34) - (43) swaps Cross currency 7 44 8 16 swaps 8 10 8 (27)
There is a deferred loss in respect of interest rate swaps, being the net of the current value less book value, of which GBP9m (2002: GBP11m) relates to the financial year ending 31 August 2004 and GBP26m (2002: GBP32m) thereafter.
There is a deferred gain in respect of cross currency swaps, being the net of the current value less book value, of which GBP6m (2002: GBP1m) relates to the financial year ending 31 August 2004 and GBP31m (2002: GBP7m) thereafter.
After taking account of cross currency and interest rate swaps, the currency and interest rate exposure of net debt as at 31 August 2003 was:
31 August 2003 Fixed rate debt Weighted average Weighted time for Floating Fixed average which rate Net rate net rate interest is fixed debt debt debt rate GBPm GBPm GBPm % Years Sterling 65 5 60 11.2 8 US dollar* 1,471 523 948 5.7 5 Euro 701 166 535 5.1 4 NZ dollar 108 35 73 8.1 3 Japanese 110 36 74 0.7 6 Yen Other (43) (43) - - - Net debt 2,412 722 1,690 5.6 6 31 August 2002 Weighted average Weighted time for Floating Fixed average which rate Net rate net rate interest is fixed debt debt debt rate GBPm GBPm GBPm % Years Sterling 350 166 184 6.6 11 US dollar* 1,262 303 959 5.7 6 Euro 719 332 387 5.1 4 NZ dollar 252 214 38 9.1 3 Japanese 68 32 36 0.9 3 Yen Other (73) (73) - - - Net debt 2,578 974 1,604 5.6 6 * US dollar debt includes a non-material amount of Canadian dollar debt. Some of the interest rate swaps included in the above table are cancellable at the option of the banks at various dates between 2004 and 2006. The floating rate debt includes bank debt bearing interest at rates based on the relevant inter bank rate and on commercial paper rates in the UK, US, Canada and France. These rates are fixed in advance for periods up to six months. The weighted average interest rate on floating net debt as at 31 August 2003 was approximately 2.8% (2002: 3.6%).
21. Financial instruments (continued)
Foreign exchange
The Group estimates its net transaction cash flows in its main currencies of business which are then hedged forward for up to 18 months using a combination of forward exchange contracts and purchased foreign exchange options. At the year end 84% (2002: 86%) of such currency exposures had been hedged for the following 12 months.
The estimated current value of the foreign exchange cover forward contracts and options entered into to hedge future transaction flows is set out below based on quoted market prices where available and option pricing models.
31 August 2003 31 August 2002 Nominal Nominal value of Book Current value of Book Current derivatives value value derivatives value value GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm Foreign - assets 155 - 4 128 - 12 exchange forward rate contracts - liabilities 72 - (4) 97 - (3) Options - assets 19 - - - - - - liabilities 19 - - 6 - - 265 - - 231 - 9
A net gain of GBP13m was recognised on all foreign exchange forward contracts and options maturing in the year to 31 August 2003 (2002: GBP9m).
At 31 August 2003 and 31 August 2002, there were no material monetary assets or liabilities in currencies other than the functional currencies of Group companies, having taken into account the effect of derivative financial instruments that have been used to hedge foreign currency exposure.
22. Share capital Allotted, called up Authorised and fully paid 31 August 31 August 31 August 31 August 2003 2002 2003 2002 GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm Equity Ordinary 400 400 277 277 shares of 25p Authorised Issued million million million million Number of 1,600 1,600 1,107 1,068 shares
Share option schemes
During the year options have been granted under the existing employee share options schemes over both Ordinary Shares and American Depositary Shares (ADSs) totalling 11,754,945 * shares. Options were exercised over 1,598,429 shares and options over 1,738,186* shares lapsed during the year.
Details of the unexercised options granted under the Company's employee share option schemes at 31 August 2003 were as follows:
Options over Ordinary Shares Option Ordinary Date of grant price shares (p) SAYE Scheme 3 December 1999 262.0 655,020 1999 International SAYE 2 June 2000 265.0 385,716 Scheme 1999 30 November 2001 282.0 570,132 Approved Executive 5 May 2000 331.0 36,252 Share Option Scheme 1999 8 May 2001 408.0 1,124,856 2 November 2001 351.5 320,942 3 May 2002 438.0 34,245 1 November 2002 382.0 470,956 1 May 2003 351.0 25,641 Executive Share 1 November 1999 342.0 4,617,281 Option Scheme 1999 16 November 1999 331.5 947,017 5 May 2000 331.0 46,248 8 May 2001 408.0 3,519,398 2 November 2001 351.5 5,085,762 1 November 2002 382.0 7,676,505 3 May 2002 438.0 221,853 1 May 2003 351.0 64,359 Long Term 8 May 2001 0.1 1,263,666 Incentive Scheme 1999 2 November 2001 0.1 1,563,889 3 May 2002 0.1 77,054 1 November 2002 0.1 1,015,906 29,722,698 * These totals include ADSs each of which represents four underlying Ordinary Shares Options over ADSs Option Ordinary Date of grant price shares $ US Schedule to the 1 November 2002 24.45 469,470 Executive Share Option 8 January 2003 25.85 3,868 Scheme 1999 1 May 2003 22.93 3,750 Executive Share 1 November 2002 24.45 38,011 Option Scheme 1999 8 January 2003 25.85 33,366 1 May 2003 22.93 1,750 Long Term 8 January 2003 0.006 21,276 Incentive Scheme 1999 571,491
22. Share capital (continued)
The Company currently satisfies the exercise of options using existing shares that are purchased in the market by the Company's employee trusts. The profit and loss expense under the option plans is determined based upon the excess of the shares purchased by the trust over the exercise price of the underlying options and is amortised over the vesting period of the underlying options. As at 31 August 2003 the Company's employee trusts held 32,549,067 shares (including ADSs) in the Company all of which were the subject of awards made under the Company's employee share schemes. The trustees are obliged to waive the dividends on these shares. The options exercised during the year were all satisfied by the transfer of shares to participants by the employee trusts.
23. Capital and reserves Share Profit Share premium Merger and loss capital account reserve account Total GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm Group At the 277 165 (823) 1,087 706 beginning of the year Profit earned - - - 340 340 for shareholders for the year Currency - - - 3 3 translation differences on foreign currency net investments Taxation - - - 19 19 on translation differences Ordinary - - - (150) (150) dividends At the end of 277 165 (823) 1,299 918 the year Goodwill (at historic exchange rates) of GBP2,284m has been written off to reserves. Share Profit Share premium Merger Capital and loss capital account reserve reserve account Total GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm Parent company At the 277 165 2,420 651 592 4,105 beginning of the year Profit earned - - - - 92 92 for shareholders for the year Ordinary - - - - (150) (150) dividends At the end of 277 165 2,420 651 534 4,047 the year 24. Minority interests Equity Non-equity Total GBPm GBPm GBPm At the 76 4 80 beginning of the year Currency 2 - 2 translation adjustment Share of 15 1 16 profits of subsidiary undertakings Dividends (21) (1) (22) declared At the end of 72 4 76 the year The principal minority shareholdings relate to Jinro Ballantines and Corby Distillers. 25. Detailed analysis of gross cash flows Year to Year to 31 August 31 August 2003 2002 GBPm GBPm Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest 22 8 received Interest paid (149) (137) Dividends paid to (21) (4) minority shareholders (148) (133) Taxation paid UK taxation - (1) Overseas taxation (65) (177) (65) (178) Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of tangible (144) (133) fixed assets Sale of tangible 21 17 fixed assets Purchase of intangible - (556) fixed assets Purchase of trade (3) (13) investments Disposal of trade 11 7 investments Purchase of Ordinary Share (41) (34) capital for employee trusts (156) (712) Acquisitions and disposals Purchase of subsidiary - (550) undertakings Borrowings acquired with - (36) subsidiary undertakings - (586) Financing Issue of Ordinary - 149 Share capital Redemption of debt (175) - Bonds issued during - 622 the year Increase in other 11 27 borrowings (164) 798 Year Year to to 31 31 August August 2003 2002 26. Reconciliation of net cash inflow from GBPm GBPm operating activities to free cash flow Net cash inflow from 748 760 operating activities Capital expenditure net of (123) (116) sale of tangible assets Dividends received from 13 11 associated undertakings Operating cash net of 638 655 fixed assets Taxation paid (65) (178) Net interest (127) (129) paid Dividends - ordinary (144) (133) paid shareholders - minorities (21) (4) Free cash 281 211 flow Cash Other Loan at loans capital bank Overdrafts due due and due within within after in one year one one hand year year 27. Net debt GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm At the beginning of 169 (843) (128) (1,776) the year Increase/(decrease) in 57 77 - - cash (Decrease)/increase in (50) - - - liquid resources Decrease/ (increase) in - - 147 17 loan capital and other loans Exchange adjustments (1) (4) (21) (56) At the end of the year 175 (770) (2) (1,815) Year to 31 August 2003 2002 Net Net debt debt 27. Net debt GBPm GBPm At the beginning of the year (2,578) (1,854) Increase/(decrease) in cash 134 (194) (Decrease)/increase in liquid (50) 21 resources Decrease/ (increase) in loan 164 (649) capital and other loans Exchange adjustments (82) 98 At the end of the year (2,412) (2,578) Liquid resources comprise short term deposits which have maturity dates of less than three months 31 31 August August 2003 2002 28. Capital commitments GBPm GBPm Contracted for but not 1 1 provided in the accounts Land Land and and buildings Other buildings Other 31 31 31 31 August August August August 2003 2003 2002 2002 29. Operating lease GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm commitments The minimum operating lease payments to be made in the year ending 31 August 2004 for leases expiring: Within one 4 1 3 1 year Within two to five 14 8 15 7 years After five 26 - 26 1 years 44 9 44 9 Parent company 31 August 31 August 2003 2002 30. Contingent GBPm GBPm liabilities Guarantees in respect of 2,555 2,654 liabilities of subsidiary undertakings
In the normal course of business, the Group has a number of legal claims or potential claims against it, none of which are expected to give rise to significant loss. We are not currently involved in any legal or arbitration proceedings, including any proceedings which are threatened or pending of which we are aware, which may have a material effect on our financial position, results of operations or liquidity.
31. Related party transactions Transactions with associated undertakings All transactions with these undertakings arise in the normal course of the business. Year to Year to 31 August 2003 31 August 2002 GBPm GBPm Sales to associated 43 50 undertakings Purchases of goods and (11) (13) other services Marketing expenditure (14) (8) charged Dividends received 13 11 As at As at 31 August 2003 31 August 2002 GBPm GBPm Loans to associated 2 2 undertakings Net amounts due from 6 11 associated undertakings Transactions with directors Remuneration and shareholdings of Directors are disclosed in the Directors' Remuneration Report.
32. Statutory accounts
The financial statements of Allied Domecq PLC for the year ended 31 August 2003 and this preliminary announcement were approved by the Board of Directors on 20 October 2003. This announcement does not constitute the Group's statutory accounts but is derived from those accounts.
The financial information for the year ended 31 August 2002 is derived from the Group's statutory accounts for 2002 which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors have reported on the 2002 statutory accounts and on the 2003 statutory accounts; both of these audit reports were unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The 2003 statutory accounts will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Annual General Meeting.
33. Annual Report and Annual General Meeting
The Annual Report will be sent to shareholders by the end of November 2003. The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held on 30 January 2004 at the Hotel Inter-Continental London, One Hamilton Place, Hyde Park Corner, London W1J 7QY.
34. Dividends
An interim ordinary dividend of 5.3p per share was paid on 25 July 2003 and the Directors are recommending a final ordinary dividend of 8.7p per share, making a total for the year of 14.0p. The ex dividend date for the final dividend is 7 January 2004 and the record date is 9 January 2004. The final dividend will be paid on 4 February 2004.
US GAAP reconciliation
Allied Domecq listed on the New York Stock Exchange on 31 July 2002. Pages 49 to 51 provide an explanation and reconciliation from UK to US GAAP.
Differences between UK and US General Accepted Accounting Principles
The Group's consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with UK GAAP, which differ from those generally accepted in the United States ("US GAAP"). The significant differences between UK GAAP and US GAAP which affect the Group's net income and shareholders' equity are summarised below.
a) Brands, goodwill and other intangible assets
Under UK GAAP, goodwill arising on acquisitions of a business since 1 September 1998 is capitalised and amortised by equal instalments over its anticipated useful life, but not exceeding 20 years. Goodwill arising on acquisitions prior to 1 September 1998 was charged directly to reserves. On disposal of a business, any attributable goodwill previously eliminated against reserves is included in the calculation of any gain or loss. Other purchased intangible assets are capitalised and amortised over their useful economic lives on a straight line basis. Where intangible assets, such as brands, are regarded as having indefinite useful economic lives, they are not amortised but are subject to annual impairment reviews.
Under US GAAP, prior to the adoption of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS") No. 141 - Business Combinations and SFAS No. 142 - Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets, goodwill and other intangible assets arising on acquisition were capitalised and amortised over their useful economic lives, but not exceeding 40 years. The Group adopted the provisions of SFAS No. 141 as at 1 July 2001, and SFAS No. 142 as at 1 September 2001. Goodwill and intangible assets determined to have an indefinite useful life acquired in a purchase business combination are no longer amortised and are subjected to annual impairment testing. Accordingly, net income no longer includes amortisation of brands, and goodwill amortisation recognised under UK GAAP is reversed.
The amount of goodwill under UK GAAP differs to that under US GAAP due to the fair values allocated to intangible assets, significantly brands, stock, and the exclusion from the purchase price consideration of certain costs.
b) Associated undertakings The principal difference between UK GAAP and US GAAP relates to the accounting treatment of goodwill which is discussed in note a).
c) Stocks Under UK GAAP, stock acquired through a business combination is valued at the lower of replacement cost and net realisable value. Under US GAAP, stock acquired through a business combination reflects the selling price less costs to complete, costs of disposal and a reasonable element of profit for the selling effort by the acquiring Company.
d) Investments
Under UK GAAP, other investments include amounts in respect of Ordinary Shares (including ADSs) held by the employee share trusts. Under US GAAP, these amounts would be treated as Treasury Stock and deducted from shareholders' funds.
e) Restructuring costs
Under UK GAAP, provisions are made for restructuring costs once a detailed formal plan is in place and valid expectations have been raised in those affected that the restructuring will be carried out. Provision is made for voluntary redundancy payments to the extent that it is expected that volunteers will come forward. US GAAP requires a number of specific criteria to be met before restructuring costs can be recognised as an expense. Also, to the extent restructuring costs are related to the activities of an acquired company, US GAAP allows them to be recognised as a liability upon acquisition provided certain specific criteria are met whereas UK GAAP does not. Accordingly, timing differences arise between UK GAAP and US GAAP recognition of restructuring costs.
f) Pension and other post retirement benefits
Under the Group's accounting policy for post-employment benefits, in accordance with SSAP 24, pension costs are charged to the profit and loss account on a systematic basis over the service life of employees based on consultation with actuaries and using the projected unit credit method and a set of long-term actuarial assumptions.
Under US GAAP, pension costs and liabilities are calculated in accordance with SFAS No. 87-Employers' Accounting for Pensions. This standard requires the use of the projected unit credit method and prescribes, in particular, the use of a market-related discount rate. This is not the same as the long-term approach used under SSAP 24.
g) Share compensation
Under UK GAAP, the cost of share option plans are amortised based on the cost of the shares (including ADSs) acquired by the employee trust to fulfil the plan, less the amount contributed by the employee. Under US GAAP, compensation for fixed plan awards is determined at the date of grant, based on the cost of the fair value of the shares subject to the award, less the option exercise or purchase price, if any, except for allowable discounts with respect to certain qualified plans where the discount is no greater than 15% of the fair value of the shares. Compensation costs for variable plan awards is estimated at the end of each period from the date of grant to the date final compensation costs are determinable based on the difference between the fair value of the shares subject to the award and the option exercise or purchase price. Such cost is allocated to compensation expense over the vesting period and, if performance criteria are applicable to the award, based on actual performance attained.
US GAAP reconciliation (continued)
h) Proposed dividends
Under UK GAAP, the proposed dividends on Ordinary Shares, as recommended by the Directors, are deducted from shareholders' equity and shown as a liability in the balance sheet at the end of the period to which they relate, including proposed dividends which have been recommended but not yet approved by shareholders. Under US GAAP, such dividends are only deducted from shareholders' equity at the date of declaration of the dividend.
i) Derivative instruments
The Group's foreign currency, interest rate and commodity contracts hedge forecast exposures that do not meet the US GAAP hedge accounting criteria. Under US GAAP, these contracts are marked to market at the balance sheet date and gains and losses arising are included in net income. Under UK GAAP, these gains and losses can be deferred until the hedged transactions actually occur. The Group may enter into foreign currency contracts to hedge the purchase price consideration on certain acquisitions. Under UK GAAP, the gains and losses arising on these foreign currency contracts are recognised in the purchase price consideration. Under US GAAP, the gains and losses arising on these foreign currency contracts are recognised within net income.
j) Deferred taxation
The Group adopted FRS 19-Deferred Tax in the year ended 31 August 2002. FRS 19 brings accounting for deferred tax under UK GAAP conceptually closer to US GAAP, although some differences remain. Following the Group's restatement under FRS 19, and other than the tax effect of other UK to US GAAP differences, there is only one material difference between UK GAAP and US GAAP. This difference relates to the recognition criteria for recording deferred tax assets under US GAAP and UK GAAP. Under US GAAP, the calculation of current and deferred tax assets is based on the probable tax treatment of the tax position taken. Once it is determined that there is a probable deferred tax asset, it is then reduced by a valuation allowance to the extent it is deemed more likely than not (a likelihood of more than 50%) that some portion or all of the deferred tax asset will not be realised.
Under UK GAAP, both the existence of the asset and the probability of its recoverability are considered in combination, and a deferred tax asset is recognised only to the extent that its existence and recoverability are probable (a threshold which is higher than "more likely than not").
k) Exceptional items
Under UK GAAP, exceptional items are those that, by virtue of their size or nature, the Board of Directors believes should be separately disclosed. Such items are included within the profit and loss account heading and disclosed in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. Under US GAAP, there is no such concept as exceptional items. Exceptional items would not be considered extraordinary or non-operating items under US GAAP.
l) Mexican excise rebate
Under UK GAAP, we are recognising the amount due when offset against future excise duty and other taxes payable. Under US GAAP, the Mexican excise rebate was recognised upon the issuance of a favourable court judgment and additional interest and inflation adjustments are recognised as they accrue.
m) Liabilities
The Group is contractually obligated to make a payment to a business venture partner upon termination of the venture which, unless renewed, is scheduled to terminate in 2029. Under UK GAAP, the Group records the obligation at the present value of the payment obligation, discounted at a risk-adjusted rate to reflect the time value of money, and recognises interest expense each period such that the recorded obligation will equal the payment obligation at the currently best estimated scheduled maturity. Under US GAAP, the obligation is recorded at the amount payable at maturity (i.e. undiscounted).
n) Franchise income
The Group has entered into agreements to sell the right to develop multiple stores within a specified territory, which entitles the Group to non-refundable franchise fees. Under UK GAAP, these franchise fees are recognised upon signing of the agreement. Under US GAAP, the revenue recognition is based on store openings or until the rights to develop the territory have been forfeited.
US GAAP reconciliation (continued) Year Year to to 31 31 August August 2003 2002 Note GBPm GBPm Profit earned for ordinary 340 392 shareholders in accordance with UK GAAP Adjustments to conform with US GAAP: Brands a) - - Goodwill a) 42 38 Other intangible a) (3) (4) assets Stocks c) (22) (66) Restructuring e) (7) 4 costs Pension costs and other post f) 20 28 retirement benefits Share g) 5 - compensation Derivative i) (61) 90 instruments Mexican excise l) (40) (54) rebate Franchise n) (10) (9) income Other (3) (1) Deferred taxation j) (11) (40) - other Deferred taxation - on above US GAAP j) 30 28 adjustments Minority share of above - - adjustments Net income in accordance with US 280 406 GAAP Other comprehensive income : Minimum pension liability (61) (203) Currency translation differences 78 (130) Comprehensive income in accordance 297 73 with US GAAP Net earnings per ordinary share Basic 26.0p 38.1p Diluted 26.0p 38.0p Shareholders' equity Year Year to to 31 31 August August 2003 2002 Note GBPm GBPm Shareholders' funds as reported in 918 706 the Group balance sheet Adjustments to conform with US GAAP: Brands a) 1,408 1,410 Goodwill a) 227 185 Other intangible - costs a) 166 168 assets Other intangible - accumulated a) (145) (144) assets amortisation Associated b) 57 57 undertakings Stock c) 23 45 Investments d) (129) (93) Restructuring e) 1 8 costs Pension and other post retirement f) (620) (555) benefits Share g) 6 1 compensation Proposed h) 93 88 dividends Derivative i) (18) (26) instruments Mexican excise l) - 40 rebate Liabilities m) (42) (38) Franchise n) (19) (9) income Other 8 6 Deferred taxation j) - 11 - other Deferred taxation - on above US GAAP j) (277) (319) adjustments Minority share of above - - adjustments Shareholders' equity in accordance 1,657 1,541 with US GAAP This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange