Sveaskog Interim Report January -- September 2003

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Oct. 29, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- Sveaskog conducts forestry and timber sales based on its holdings of approximately 3.5 million ha of productive forest land. The forestry operations also include property management as well as commercial activities relating to hunting, fishing and recreation. The forestry operations are conducted under the Sveaskog name. The Group also includes industrial operations in the form of cartonboard manufacture, AssiDoman Cartonboard. In addition, Sveaskog has a 50% stake in the sawmill group Royal Star Wood Products AB (Royal Star) which was formed on 1 July 2003.

                                    Quarter              January -

 MSEK                  2003 Q 3  2003 Q 2  2002 Q 3   2003        2002

 Net sales                1,726     2,469     1,931  6,429       6,182

 Operating profit           270       515       209  1,197         926
 (of which gains from
 property sales)            (44)      (73)      (12)  (152)        (24)

 Profit after
 net financial items        152       375        61    802         567

 Net profit for the         110       270        43    578         408

 Earnings per share         0.93      2.28      0.36   4.88        3.44

- Operating profit for the third quarter amounted to MSEK 270, aseasonal decrease of MSEK 245 or 48% compared with the previous quarter,but an increase of MSEK 61 or 29% compared with the third quarter of2002.

- Compared with the previous quarter, earnings from Forestryoperations fell for seasonal reasons. Earnings for the cartonboardbusiness (Cartonboard) increased due to higher production and lowercosts. The reported share of profits (after net financial items) inRoyal Star was lower than the earlier operating profit in AssiDomanTimber. Gains from property sales decreased.Compared with January - September 2002, operating profit improved by29%. Forestry operations and Cartonboard increased their earnings.Earnings from the sawmill operations that are now part of Royal Staralso improved. These changes are mainly volume related, partly due toacquisitions. Gains from property sales increased substantially.

This interim report has not been reviewed by the company's auditors

Financial calendar

Year-end report January - December 19 February 2004

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