Nordisk Renting AB Interim Report 1 January -- 30 September 2003

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Nov. 3, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- Nordisk Renting AB:

- Group income before profit from sales of property and tax amounted to SEK 237m (237). Properties to a value of SEK 218m (1,192) were sold, resulting in a total capital gain of SEK 9m (117). Profit after tax totalled SEK 229m (278).

- Profit from the Group's interest-linked lease agreements increased by SEK 27m on last year. However, earnings from non interest-linked lease agreements were down on last year, primarily as a result of property sales in 2002.

- Properties were acquired and new investments made to a total of SEK 1,357m (1,541). In addition, agreements concerning future new investments worth SEK 431m (95) were entered into.

- The Group's net sales for the period amounted to SEK 1,125m (1,087), and on 30 September the balance sheet total equalled SEK 17,361m compared with SEK 16,946m at the beginning of the year.

- At the end of the period, the administration in the Group encompassed 205 properties totalling approximately 1.9 million square metres, with a book value of SEK 16,800m.

For further information, please contact:
Reinhold Geijer, CEO, Nordisk Renting AB, tel +46 (0)8-670 98 00

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