"TV and video services over broadband is an area where operators around the world can find new revenue streams," says Magnus Breidne, Project Manager at Acreo. "The goal of the project is to gain a better understanding of which services will drive development and what demands these will make on network infrastructure."
The broadband project is being financed by VINNOVA/the Swedish Ministry of Industry, Employment and Communications and Svenskt Näringsliv (Confederation of Swedish Enterprise) with the objective of creating a domestic platform for cost-effective delivery of video, data and telephony services to homes and businesses. This close collaboration between the business, academic and public sectors is aimed at promoting research and development of products and services so that Sweden can defend its leading position in the broadband and IT area.
"We are very excited to be participating in Acreo's project and look forward to the mutual exchange of knowledge this will generate," says Tomas Duffy, CEO of Net Insight. "Furthermore, their work in interoperability between new network technologies, such as GMPLS, is an effort that is very much in our interest."
For more information, please contact:
Tomas Duffy, CEO, Net Insight AB
Phone +46 8 685 04 00, e-mail: tomas.duffy@netinsight.net
Magnus Breidne, Vice President and Project Manger, Acreo AB.
Phone +46 632 77 11, e-mail: magnus.breidne@acreo.se