One year left with NMT

Telenor Mobil will invest in GSM coverage along the coastline and in the mountain areas throughout 2004. Most fishing banks will be covered 50 to 70 kilometres from shore, some places up to 120 kilometres. This is made possible because of the extended cell technology. Also a number of forest and mountain areas will achieve better GSM coverage as a result of his.
There has been a strong customer transition from NMT to GSM, partly because Telenor Mobil's GSM network today covers 99.2 percent of the Norwegian population. Also, Telenor Mobil has previously entered into an agreement with satellite telephony operator Globalstar, thus providing the customers with mobile coverage in most areas without other mobile alternatives.
Nordic Mobile Telephone (NMT) 450 was the first public, automatic mobile service, and was launched in Norway in 1981. At its peak in 1996, there were 190,000 NMT 450 subscribers in Norway, while the customer base today is less than 40,000. The total customer base of Telenor Mobil is 2,36 million. All remaining NMT customers will be contacted these days. 
For further information, please contact:
Sigurd Sandvin, Head of Information in Telenor Mobil, tel: +47 905 21 100
Bjørn Amundsen, Head of Coverage, tel: +47 900 21 000