Kesko Food will test discounters in Finland

The plan is to open pilot stores in Anjalankoski, Jämsänkoski, Haukipudas, Kotka, Mänttä, Vantaa, Viitasaari, Virrat and Ylivieska in spring 2004. Decisions on the length of the pilot period and on continuation activities will be made later in 2004. The pilot stores will be operated by Kesko Food and will have no K-retailers.
K-retailer operations will continue to be Kesko Food's core business in Finland and the focus will be on further developing these store and chain concepts to better meet customer needs. The target is to ensure that the K-Alliance's present leading market position in Finland will be maintained in the future. There are now 50 K-citymarkets, 145 K-supermarkets, 350 K-markets, 380 K-extras and 40 K-pikkolos in Finland. There are also about 100 retailers operating under K-customer agreements. The total number of K-food retailers is nearly 1,000.
In Estonia, Kesko Food owns the country's largest discounter chain, Säästumarket, which consists of 45 stores. In Latvia, Kesko Food has 11 SuperNetto discount stores. Additionally, Kesko Food has Citymarket hypermarkets in Estonia and Latvia.
Further information:
Vice President Jaakko-Pekka Vehmas, Kesko Food Ltd, tel. +358 1053 22511
Director Mika Rautiainen, Development, Kesko Food Ltd, tel. +358 1053 22169