Decisions of the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting

The following decisions have been made at today's Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of Klövern AB:
Amendment to the articles of association
The limits for the company's share capital have been changed to at least three hundred million Swedish kronor (SEK 300,000,000) and at most one billion, two hundred million Swedish kronor (SEK 1,200,000,000). According to the old wording, the share capital was to be at least one hundred million Swedish kronor (SEK 100,000,000) and at most four hundred million Swedish kronor (SEK 400,000,000).
Only one (1) class of the company's share is to be issued with one (1) vote per share. According to the old wording, the company's shares consisted of two classes, class A with one (1) vote and class B with one-tenth (1/10) of a vote.
Directed new issue of shares
The company's share capital is to be increased by at most SEK 65,000,000 kronor, by issue of at most 13,000,000 new shares, each share of a nominal SEK 5. The right to subscribe to new shares, deviating from the priority right of shareholders, is conferred only on Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB (publ). Payment for the new shares is to be made in kind or by set-off.

Authorisation for a new issue
The board has been authorised, until the next annual general meeting, on one or more occasions, with or without a deviation from the right of priority of shareholders, to decide on new issue of a total of at most 20,000,000 shares, each share at a nominal value of SEK 5, for acquisition of companies or properties. Payment for the new shares may be made in kind, by set-off or in cash.

Stockholm, 27 January 2004
Klövern AB (publ)
For further information, please contact:
Gustaf Hermelin, President and CEO, tel +46 155-44 33 10, +46 70-560 00 00,
Anders Lundquist, Chief Financial Officer, tel +46 155-44 33 20, +46 70-528 43 33,
Britt-Marie Einar, Information Manager, tel +46 155-44 33 12, +46 70-224 29 35,