Test status block 43 - Yemen

Drilling of the Nabrajah-1 well commenced on 9 February, and on 5 March reached a total depth of about 2,200 metres. It was decided to test the well after downhole logging confirmed hydrocarbons in the 1,770 - 1,790 interval.
The first test covered a deeper zone in which hydrocarbon traces had been observed during drilling, but without the downhole logging showing movable hydrocarbons. Because of mechanical problems test results were not conclusive,  and it may be relevant to test this zone in a possible future well.
The second test focused on the lower part of the main reservoir, the Qishn Sandstone, in which logs indicated an oil/water contact. Approximately 7,000 barrels of total liquid were produced during testing, of which about 540 barrels per day was oil and the rest water. The test confirms the log observations and  movable oil is present in the reservoir. The overall production rate moreover confirms good production quality, corresponding to that observed in the Tasour and Sharyoof fields.
The third and final production test will be performed in the upper part of the main reservoir where logs indicate pure oil. DNO will supply additional information when the results of this test become available.
DNO is operator and holds a 50% interest in the licence.