Boards of Directors of Kesko's division parent companies

In accordance with the corporate governance statement of the Kesko Group, the Chairman of the Boards of Kesko Food Ltd, Rautakesko Ltd, Kesko Agro Ltd and Keswell Ltd is Kesko Corporation's President and CEO. The Board members are elected from among the management of the Kesko Group.
Kesko Food Ltd's Board of Directors as from 26 March 2004
Matti Honkala, President and CEO, Kesko Corporation
Kalervo Haapaniemi, President, Kesko Food Ltd
Matti Halmesmäki, President, Rautakesko Ltd, Kesko Agro Ltd
Juhani Järvi, Corporate Executive Vice President, CFO, Kesko Corporation
Eero Vesterinen, Vice President, Corporate CIO, Kesko Corporation
Rautakesko Ltd's Board of Directors as from 26 March 2004
Matti Honkala, President and CEO, Kesko Corporation
Kalervo Haapaniemi, President, Kesko Food Ltd
Matti Halmesmäki, President, Rautakesko Ltd, Kesko Agro Ltd
Erkki Heikkinen, Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications, Kesko Corporation
Juhani Järvi, Corporate Executive Vice President, CFO, Kesko Corporation
Kesko Agro Ltd's Board of Directors as from 26 March 2004
Matti Honkala, President and CEO, Kesko Corporation
Heikki Ala-Seppälä, Treasurer, Kesko Corporation
Matti Halmesmäki, President, Rautakesko Ltd, Kesko Agro Ltd
Anne Leppälä-Nilsson, General Counsel, Kesko Corporation
Erkki Sillantaka, President, VV-Auto Oy
Keswell Ltd's Board of Directors as from 26 March 2004
Matti Honkala, President and CEO, Kesko Corporation
Erkki Heikkinen, Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications, Kesko Corporation
Matti Laamanen, President, Keswell Ltd
Riitta Laitasalo, Senior Vice President, Administration, Kesko Corporation
Harri Sivula, Executive Vice President, Kesko Food Ltd

VV-Auto Oy's Board of Directors as from 26 March 2004
Juhani Järvi, Corporate Executive Vice President, CFO, Kesko Corporation
Matti Laamanen, President, Keswell Ltd
Pekka Lahti, Managing Director, Kesko Machinery Ltd
Erkki Sillantaka, President, VV-Auto Oy
Kaukomarkkinat Oy's Board of Directors as from 26 March 2004
Kalervo Haapaniemi, President, Kesko Food Ltd
Juhani Järvi, Corporate Executive Vice President, CFO, Kesko Corporation
Matti Laamanen, President, Keswell Ltd
Hannu Närhi, President, Kaukomarkkinat Oy

The most important duties of the subsidiary boards include defining the company strategy, operating plan and budget, and making decisions on investments, company acquisitions and contingent liabilities within the limits determined by Kesko Corporation's Board of Directors. The Kesko Group consists of the parent company Kesko Corporation and its subsidiaries.
On 1 April 2001, Kesko incorporated its grocery and home goods businesses into its fully-owned subsidiaries Kesko Food Ltd and Keswell Ltd. On 1 October 2001, a corresponding incorporation was effected in its hardware and builders' supplies business and agricultural and machinery business.

Kesko Corporation
Corporate Communications

Erkki Heikkinen
Senior Vice President
tel. +358 1053 22721

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