Nokia powers 3G launch in Orange's first "Pilot City"

Orange France has launched its first pre-commercial 3G network in Toulouse using a complete Nokia radio-access network solution.  Supplying the network for Toulouse, the first "Pilot City" to open 3G services, reinforces Nokia's position as the leading partner to Orange Group for 3G radio-access equipment.  This is the first pre-commercial launch of 3G in France. 
In addition to Toulouse, Nokia is also supplying its WCDMA 3G network to the north, east and southwest regions of France.  In coming weeks, launches of Nokia-supplied networks will take place in these regions and in the UK. 
In addition to network equipment, Nokia has also supplied a full set of professional services, including high value added operations and maintenance services.  Nokia has supplied the equipment and services as part of a deal announced on September 16, 2003. 
"The shared industry vision of global mobility has never been more true than now as we see the widespread commercial take-up of 3G WCDMA services," says Damien Santé, Account Director, Networks, Nokia.  "Our strategic partnership with Orange goes beyond the simple delivery of leading WCDMA infrastructure.  We are tightly cooperating in optimizing Orange's WCDMA radio networks and enhancing the end-to-end performance of WCDMA-based applications.  The unique Nokia solution is providing Orange subscribers with a springboard for innovative mobile services in the UK and France.  I'm excited to see the results of our partnership manifested yet again in the the launch today in Toulouse and with further launches foreseen in key French and UK cities." 
"With Orange's Pilot Cities, consumers can enjoy the most advanced mobile multimedia services - connecting people in new and exciting ways not only through voice but with fast and cost-effective services such TV and video streaming and business-to-business applications," he adds.  "Nokia firmly believes that WCDMA 3G will be the main radio access platform when operators globally continue to invest in their multimedia networks." 
Nokia has extensive practical experience and expertise from implementing 3G networks.  To date, Nokia is a supplier to nine of the 21 commercial WCDMA networks in the world.  In addition, Nokia has 39 public 3G references and is rolling out 26 WCDMA 3G networks in 15 countries. 
Nokia is the world leader in mobile communications, driving the growth and sustainability of the broader mobility industry. Nokia is dedicated to enhancing people's lives and productivity by providing easy-to-use and secure products like mobile phones, and solutions for imaging, games, media, mobile network operators and businesses. Nokia is a broadly held company with listings on five major exchanges.
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