Schibsted ASA (SCH) - Strike

The majority of Norwegian journalists are in strike following failing negotiations between Norsk Journalistlag and Mediebedriftenes Landsforening today. The strike includes VG and Aftenposten. The failing negotiations are primarily due to demands from the journalists to change the employers' current rights to decide in pension matters.
Notices of leave of absence, effective within a couple of days, have been issued to the parties in the Schibsted Group included in the strike.
Aftenposten has decided to publish a newspaper containing only advertisements in order to maintain their advertising revenue. The net loss for the Schibsted Group due to the strike is estimated to be in excess of NOK 5 million a day during the period that the advertisement paper is published.
Contact person: Trond Berger, telephone +47 23 10 66 95 or +47 9168 6695
Oslo, 12 May 2004
Schibsted ASA
Gisle Glück Evensen
Investor Relations