Nokia at TeleManagement World Nice

Nokia launches a range of new Operations Support System tools for mobile operators as part of its Nokia NetActTM portfolio at the TeleManagement World conference (TMW). These tools combined with Nokia's expert services for operators, underline Nokia's commitment to multivendor solutions and mobile network and service management efficiency.
Specifically addressing the need for multivendor solutions, Nokia NetActTM Traffica for multi-vendor Core is a tool that offers visibility to traffic over all circuit and packet switched networks regardless of the network equipment vendor. This tool offers operators higher service quality, faster customer complaint resolution and increased visibility to subscriber and service behaviour; all in real-time.
In addition, Nokia NetActTM Intelligent Service Configurator, Nokia NetActTM Optimal Planner and Nokia NetActTM Service Optimizer highlight Nokia's commitment to efficient network operations through maximum re-use of existing resources targeting lower operating costs and speeding up the service launch.
"Operators are increasingly looking for solutions to get more from their networks. Operators are seeking ways to run their networks more efficiently - managing many technologies at once. We trust that with our operational and end-to-end mobile expertise, we can greatly support operators, enabling them to offer high quality mobile services in a cost-efficient way to their customers," says Jyrki Holmala, Vice President & General Manager, Nokia Operations Solutions, Networks, Nokia.
"This support ranges from Nokia NetAct tools to our commitment and experience in providing expert optimizing, operating, advisory, development and benchmarking services also as a managed service provider," he adds.
Nokia will also be giving demonstrations at the OSS through JavaTM initiative's stand reinforcing its dedication to the initiative and open standards.
As Nokia helps operators to get more from mobile networks and services, it can draw on its over 15-year track record of deploying and operating networks and its extensive practical experience of implementing mobile services for the operators. Nokia has contracted operating services for 19 operators globally, in addition to providing full turnkey implementations for a total of 24 operators. The NetActTM framework, the unique Nokia network and service management system, has been delivered to over 300 customers worldwide.
Nokia is the world leader in mobile communications, driving the growth and sustainability of the broader mobility industry. Nokia is dedicated to enhancing people's lives and productivity by providing easy-to-use and secure products like mobile phones, and solutions for imaging, games, media, mobile network operators and businesses. Nokia is a broadly held company with listings on five major exchanges.
Media Enquiries:
Nokia Networks
Tel. 358 7180 38198
Tel. +358 7180 34900
Notes to editors
Nokia NetActTM Intelligent Service Configurator
This unique tool gives compelling benefits to the operators:
  • Supports effective management of a large number of services and hides the increasing complexity of the network.
  • Enables the generation of new revenue from a currently untapped market for small segment and short-term services.
  • Ensures service quality by integrating service assurance and enhancing data synchronization. Makes it easier for operators and service providers to jointly build and manage networks and services.
Utilizes a standardized service model by Service Management Framework (SMF) activity in TeleManagement Forum.
Nokia NetActTM Optimal Planner is an Automatic Cell Planning tool for the 3G networks optimization. It is used to optimize Antenna tilt and azimuth angles, Antenna pattern and transmitted pilot power. The benefits include:
  • About 30% enhancement of network performance:  achieving higher capacity and enhanced radio quality, as well as reducing blocking and dropped calls without any loss of the initial coverage.
  • Significant cost savings for operators due to better use of network capability and resources.
  • Best quality for subscribers.
Faster, easy and reliable optimization: Optimal Planner performs the whole optimization automatically. Furthermore importing and exporting data between WCDMA Planner and Optimal Planner is straightforward, with no manual editing needed during the import or export process.
Nokia NetActTM Service Optimizer is a new optimization tool that raises the objective from network element parameterization to defining, monitoring and optimizing the range of mobile services in the network. Service Optimizer introduces a mechanism to map services into treatment classes and to analyze the performance of each of these classes over several network domains. When decreased performance is identified, it is possible to drill down into details to discover in which network elements the problems occur and the possible causes. Service Optimizer also provides automated functionality to balance the capacity reserved for GPRS traffic in base stations.
Benefits for the operator include:
  •           Automated optimization process requiring less resources
  •           Improved accuracy in optimization
  •           Better network capacity utilization
  •           Improved network performance
  •           Better control to service quality
    Benefits for the subscriber:
    Reliable and fast application availability
    Nokia NetActTM Traffica is a real-time traffic monitoring and troubleshooting tool, offering to the operator detailed visibility to the actual network and service usage. Traffica functionality includes real-time graphs to visualize the traffic, threshold alarms, direct record access for detailed analysis and interaction with the other Service Assurance applications of the NetAct(TM) framework. Traffica brings benefits to many departments in the operator's organization, like O&M for faster problem detection and troubleshooting, customer care for quick and precise answers to customer complaints, planning for better visibility on actual load, marketing for subscribers behaviour analysis.
    For this operator this means they can:
  •          See the real usage of the network in real time
  •          Detect & troubleshoot network problems faster (this helps the operators to enhance the network quality experienced by the subscriber)
  •          Analyse customer behaviour, roaming and mobile types
  •          Identify capacity bottlenecks or under-used services
  •          Optimize network usage and revenue
    For the subscriber this means:
  •          Better and faster response to customer complaints
    Visit the Nokia stand (#94) at TeleManagement World 2004 Nice.