Women's Rebuttal to Wedding Dress Guy on eBay: Woman Sells Her Wedding Dress and Her Ex-Husband

MINNEAPOLIS, May 17, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- First there was the infamous wedding dress guy on eBay, whose auction for his ex-wife's wedding dress garnered national attention and over 15,000,000 hits.

Now a woman is selling her wedding dress on eBay, along with her ex-husband. The dress, a $7,000 couture Christian Dior gown, and the mysterious ex-husband, seen in dark glasses with his face mostly obscured by The Wall Street Journal, are advertised as both slightly used, both in great shape. "I can't sell people on eBay, not even ex-husbands," the seller laments. "But if you bid on the dress, I'll pass your e-mails on to him."

Why would anyone shopping for a wedding dress want someone else's ex-husband? According to the seller, after 30, you're more likely to get killed in a plane crash than find someone to marry. So here's a package deal: a groom and a gown. The potential groom is described as a good-looking, charming single guy who can cook, kiss, and actually likes to do both. The dress is described as one part elegance, one part Hollywood glamour.

What's next? Ex-mother-in-law, excels at cooking, cleaning and nagging?

The auction, which ends May 22, may be seen at: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/ebayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=8105352107.


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