75 Youth Projects Receive Grants under Make a Connection Program in the Czech Republic

Today in Prague, the Czech Republic, Nokia and the Civic Society Development Foundation (Nadace rozvoje obcanské spolecnosti - NROS) announced that their joint Make a Connection program would support 75 youth projects valued at over CZK 1,850,000 (€58,000) this year.  Teams of young people aged 16 to 24 and from five regions of the Czech Republic will have an opportunity to implement their own projects to directly help their communities.
"We are very encouraged by the increased interest our program is attracting this year, as illustrated by the record 204 project submissions, 50 more than last year," said Matti Palomäki, Managing Director of Nokia Czech Republic.  "The response confirms that young people are not indifferent to what happens in their communities, but rather, if given the opportunity, will take the lead and actively participate in making them a better place to live."
Young people will receive grants of up to CZK 50,000 (€1500) per project, as well as undergo several days of intense, interactive training to boost the skills needed for project management. The funding and training for the projects will enable young people to address issues ranging from environmental education, drug prevention, and assistance for the disabled, seniors and orphans to renovation of historical sights, creating an amateur theatre and providing leisure time activities for minorities.
"The trainings are critical to the  long-term success of the program," said Hana Silhanová, Director of the Civic Society Development Foundation.  "As a direct result from last year's training, several youth groups took the initiative and obtained ongoing funding from local communities for the continuation of their projects.  This kind of creative initiative from young people is something we expect to see this year as well."
The program in the Czech Republic is part of the global Make a Connection program, an initiative of the International Youth Foundation and Nokia currently active in 17 countries.
About Make a Connection in the Czech Republic
Make a Connection, the joint program of the Civic Society Development Foundation (Nadace rozvoje obcanské spolecnosti - NROS) and Nokia, was launched in the Czech Republic in April 2002. It has been implemented in five regions of the Czech Republic. The Civic Society Development Foundation is responsible for the overall organization and co-ordination of the program; at the regional level, the implementing role was entrusted to the following non-profit organisations: Hurá Kamarád in the Pardubice region, VITA in the Moravia-Silesia region, Ratolest in the South Moravia region, Dobrovolnické centrum in the Ústí nad Labem region, and Hestia - Národní dobrovolnické centrum in Prague. The sixth partner is the Tereza Maxová Foundation, which implements the program at orphanages all over the country. Actress and singer Zuzana Norisová remains the program's patron for the third year. More information on Make a Connection in the Czech Republic can be found at www.pripojse.cz (www.makeaconnection.cz).
About Make a Connection
Make a Connection is a global initiative of the International Youth Foundation and Nokia to promote positive youth development by giving young people an opportunity to make a connection to their communities, to their families and peers, and to themselves. The program improves young people's educational opportunities, teaches them life skills and helps them make a positive contribution to their societies. Country programs are currently running in Brazil, Canada, China, the Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Hungary, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Peru, the Philippines, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey and the United Kingdom. More information on Make a Connection can be found at www.makeaconnection.org.
About the Civic Society Development Foundation
The Civic Society Development Foundation (Nadace rozvoje obcanské spolecnosti - NROS) makes efforts to strengthen the non-profit sector in the Czech Republic through philanthropy and voluntary work and through projects that make a contribution to the development of a civic society and the European integration. The foundation supports non-profit organizations that work with vulnerable or disadvantaged groups, defend human rights, democratic values, tolerance and respect of minority rights, or otherwise increase awareness on such issues among fellow citizens. One of the Foundation's target groups is children and young people. Thanks to the experience with a number of projects aimed at children and young people, the Civic Society Development Foundation has the needed know-how and qualification for successful implementation of the Make a Connection program in the Czech Republic in co-operation with the International Youth Foundation and Nokia. More information on NROS can be found at www.nros.cz.
About the International Youth Foundation
The International Youth Foundation (IYF) is dedicated to supporting programs that improve the conditions and prospects for young people where they live, learn, work, and play. Since its founding in 1990, IYF has worked with hundreds of companies, foundations, and non-governmental organisations to scale up existing programs and build long-term strategic partnerships. Currently operating in nearly 60 countries and territories, IYF and its partners have helped millions of young people gain the skills, training and opportunities critical to their success. More information on IYF can be found at www.iyfnet.org.
About Nokia
Nokia is committed to having a positive impact on society that extends beyond the advanced technology, products and services the company creates. Through its cooperation with IYF and other regional philanthropic and social responsibility programs, the company prepares young people to embrace opportunities created by the global economy and new technological advancements. The company has been an active regional contributor to youth and education causes for many years, with Nokia employees making their own contributions as volunteers in a range of programs throughout the world. More information on Nokia can be found at www.nokia.com.
Additional information:
NROS, Anna Onucová, +420 233 357 123, anna.onucova@nros.cz
Nokia, Petr Hosek, +420 221 855 111, petr.hosek@nokia.com
Mmd, Hana Kucerová, +420 224 251 555, kucerova@mmd.cz