New mobile subscription enables free use of SMS

The SMS market in Norway has exploded the last four years. Today over five million text messages are sent every day through Telenor Mobil's network. The largest user group consists of young women aged between 18 and 30. Over 350,000 mobile users send more than 15 text messages every day and state that their mobiles are their most important communication tool. Until now there has not been a subscription offer tailored especially for this group of mobile users.

"We want to rectify this by offering an attractive subscription tailored for an important user pattern. In offering djuice nonstop we meet a need among a large group of mobile users; a mobile subscription with a fixed monthly fee and unlimited use of SMS", says Olav Henrik Kjorstad, Head of Telenor's mobile unit in the consumer market.

Telenor Mobil was one of the first to include free SMS in the subscription. djuice nonstop is a continuation of this. But as the name implies this is an offer for those with special needs and mobile habits. If you send more than 15 SMS's a day and if you call a lot mobile-to-mobile, or if you want to pay a fixed sum every month and send as many SMS's as you want, then djuice nonstop is the solution.
­Today, there is fierce competition in the mobile marked with many operators who fight over the most attractive customers. Youths play a central part.
"As always we meet the competition head on and give the customers an introductory offer of free monthly fees until 1st October. We believe that djuice nonstop will become the great summer hit this year", says Olav Henrik Kjorstad.

djuice nonstop's monthly fee will be NOK 299. For this you can send unlimited SMS's every month from Norway to other recipients with Norwegian mobile phones. The call costs have also been reduced compared to djuice and djuice kontant. The price to call other mobile phones in Norway is NOK 1,39 while the price for calling a fixed line phone is NOK 2,99. djuice nonstop will be available from 22nd June.
For further information, please contact:
Information Manager Atle Lessum, Division Consumer Market on telephone number +47 415 05 645
djuice® fromTelenor Mobil is a mobile subscription for young people who use the mobile for communication and entertainment. djuice's ambition is to deliver speech, message and content services tailored for the young people's lifestyle in addition to contributing to a more exciting mobile user experience.