LOS ANGELES, June 10, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- The second public meeting on the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) and the Final Master Plan (Alternative D) for Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) will be held Monday, June 14, 2004. It will begin at 3 p.m. at the Los Angeles Convention Center, Room 515 A & B. Free parking will be available in the Convention Center's West Hall parking facility.
As was the case with the first public meeting on May 24, the June 14 meeting will be a joint session conducted by the Los Angeles Board of Airport Commissioners (BOAC), the Los Angeles City Planning Commission (CPC), and the Advisory Agency (AA). A limited amount of public testimony from people who did not speak at the May 24 hearing will be permitted before the two commissions take action on Master Plan Program elements.
The BOAC will consider for approval the Airport Layout Plan and the Final LAX Master Plan (Alternative D), certify the FEIR, and make recommendations on other elements of the overall Master Plan Program.
After the BOAC acts, the CPC will consider for approval General Plan amendments, including the LAX Plan, Code amendments, zone changes, a revised LAX Specific Plan, and other elements of the LAX Master Plan Program under its jurisdiction. The Advisory Agency will take action on the tentative tract maps.
Following BOAC, CPC and AA action, the City will submit an application to the Los Angeles County Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) for a determination on whether the proposed LAX Master Plan is consistent with the ALUC's airport land use plan.
After ALUC acts, the FEIR and related documents will be sent to the City Council for consideration and decision. Upon completion of the City process, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will complete the Final Environmental Impact Statement. The FAA is charged with coordinating the federal review and approval process, and rendering the Record of Decision.
LAWA officials emphasized that free parking will be available ONLY in the Convention Center's West Hall parking facility.
All LAX Master Plan documents are available for review at the LAX Master Plan Public Review Room located at the LAX Imperial Terminal/Flight Path Learning Center, Room 10-A, 6661 Imperial Highway, Los Angeles, Calif. 99045, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. The Final Master Plan and FEIR are also available for review at more than 50 libraries throughout the region and online at www.laxmasterplan.org.