Summer offer from Telenor: top up for NOK 500 - call and send SMS worth NOK 1000

"For many people, the summer is the real mobile high-season. Telenor's prepaid customers may now send twice as many reports from their summer exploits, either via regular calls, via text messages or via media messages," says Olav Henrik Kjorstad, Director of Mobil in the Private Market.
Telenor's prepaid subscriptions can be topped up through MobilHandel (Mobile Commerce via SMS), at cashpoints or via the Internet. In addition customers may buy the traditional prepaid cards available in shops. Top-ups via MobilHandel are also available from abroad, so customers need not worry about emptying their account while on holiday. The summer offer applies irrespective of how customers choose to top-up, but it is a requirement that the top-up takes place during the months of July and August.
"A NOK 500 top-up will give a bonus corresponding to 200 MMS messages, more than 700 SMS messages, or between two and four hours of call time in Norway. Even people who really have a lot on their minds should benefit from this," says Kjorstad.
Customers who top-up via MobilHandel (Mobile Commerce) already receive an additional 15 per cent extra use, but this will not apply for the NOK 500 top-ups during the campaign period. Telenor Mobil's customers also enjoy free use of MMS and mobile Internet (wap over gprs) during weekends in July. Customer services 09000 provide 24-hour assistance and information to customers about this offer, also during the summer holidays.
The top-up offer applies for all customers who have the subscription plans "djuice kontant" and RingKontant, and applies when a top-up of NOK 500 is made between 1 July and 31 August. Any refunding of call charges will have an upward limit corresponding to the balance of the amount the customer has already paid.
For more information, please contact:
Esben Tuman Johnsen, head of information at Telenor Norway, phone: (+47) 905 08 400