Nokia expands the utilization of the RosettaNet standard to the customer interface

Nokia continues its strong commitment to the RosettaNet standards by further implementing and expanding it to the Nokia customer interface. By enabling the automation of numerous routine business-to-business processes between different players in the value network, RosettaNet provides increased flexibility and cost-efficiency throughout the supply chain.
Nokia among other key players in the telecommunication industry formed Telecom Council in RosettaNet consortium back in June 2003. The primary mission of the Council is to drive adoption of RosettaNet standard as a de-facto e-business standard in telecommunication industry; and further to continue developing the RosettaNet standard around telecommunication industry-specific issues like service and project business processes. Recently RosettaNet announced the addition of AT&T, Nextel, TeliaSonera and Vodafone to organization's Telecom Council.
"Close integration of manufacturers, service providers, operators and sales channels will enable us to decrease costs in the telecom industry and, at the same time, increase value by enabling business transformation through collaboration and the e-business support for new emerging business models", says Mr. Matti Heikkilä, Vice President, Strategy and Business Development at Nokia, and Chairman of RosettaNet's Telecom Council.
Implementation of the RosettaNet Partner Interface Process (PIP®) in business process integration allows Nokia to automate the exchange of information between business partners. It also enables Nokia to acquire business-critical information on a real-time basis, while minimizing manual work. Since joining the RosettaNet consortium in 2001, Nokia has actively participated in developing the standard and driving RosettaNet implementations in its partner interface. By leveraging with newly introduced forecasting, payment and environmental PIPs®, Nokia has reaped significant operational efficiencies in the partner interface.
RosettaNet is a non-profit consortium dedicated to the collaborative development and rapid deployment of open, Internet-based business standards that align processes within the global trading network. More than 500 multinational and regional companies in the information technology, electronic components, semiconductor manufacturing and telecommunications industries participate in RosettaNet's strategic standards and services development. Fortune 1000 companies worldwide have implemented RosettaNet standards, conducting B2B operations that value billions in annual revenues. RosettaNet is one of the industry's most ambitious standards implementation efforts. To date, the consortium has established several regional affiliate organizations - in the Americas, Australia, China Europe, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Taiwan - giving a voice to various business economies seeking to adopt and influence RosettaNet's global standards. Information on RosettaNet's worldwide activities, including a complete list of member companies and participating organizations, is available at RosettaNet is a subsidiary of the Uniform Code Council, Inc. (UCC).
Nokia is the world leader in mobile communications, driving the growth and sustainability of the broader mobility industry. Nokia is dedicated to enhancing people's lives and productivity by providing easy-to-use and innovative products like mobile phones, and solutions for imaging, games, media, mobile network operators and businesses. Nokia is a broadly held company with listings on five major exchanges.
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