AND posts higher results in first half of year

The company's financial position improved slightly because the cash flow from operational activities in the first 6 months of the year ended up being €145,000. As a result of the share issues of 30 June 2003 and 18 May 2004, AND is now free from long-term debt and has a solvency ratio of 75%.
As was announced earlier, the company expects to create shareholder value by launching its geographic data in markets for in-car navigation, the Internet (Geo Access) and mobile telephony.
"A rapid and substantial turnover growth can be achieved primarily in the market for in-car navigation, currently dominated by Navteq and Teleatlas," says CEO Maarten Oldenhof.
"Now that AND has certified navigable data in the world standard (GDF) and an agreement to launch the first release for Eastern Europe this fall, it appears as if nothing can stand in the way of AND's successful entry into this attractive market.
The speed and extent to which the market responds will largely determine the turning point towards profitable growth. The company is therefore refraining from predicting concrete turnover and results for 2004, but plans to intensively communicate to the market all developments in fields relevant to the company," according to Maarten Oldenhof.
About AND
Founded in 1984, AND (AEX: AND) is one of the Netherlands' longest established software groups, currently employing 100 people in the Netherlands and India. AND is a software company that specialises in geographic data (addresses, roads, and routes) and the technology for the practical application of such data. AND is the international specialist in geographic solutions for developers of applications like CRM, SCM, ERP, Fleet Management and Mobile Location Services. Buyers include development partners and clients such as VDO Siemens, AOL, HP, IBM, Eastman Kodak, Manugistics, Mapinfo, MapQuest, Sony, Unilever and Vodafone. AND's head office is located in Rotterdam.
PROFIT & LOSS  Actual Last Year
jun-04 jun-03
€ 000 € 000
Total Sales 2.214 2.886
Cost of Sales
Cost of retail sales 184 177
Data acquisition 97 182
Total Costs of Sales 281 359
Gross Margin 1.933 2.527
Operating costs
Total Staff costs 909 1.003
Other Costs
Accomodation/building 119 133
Marketing 47 105
Travel expenses 49 49
Company cars 72 67
Legal & advisory 39 188
Accounting & audit 52 22
Office 39 58
ICT & Telecommunications 125 145
Provisions for bad debts -23 125
Other expenses 3 85
Total Other Costs 523 977
Total Operational Costs 1.431 1.980
EBITDA 502 547
Own work capitalized -33 0
Depreciation 45 40
Amortisation 396 225
EBIT 93 282
Interest -15 -234
Extraordinary results 0 0
BALANCE SHEET jun-04 jun-03
€ 000 € 000
Intangible fixed assets 4.929 5.768
Hard- & Software 81 76
Furniture & Office Equipment 25 70
Cars 0 3
Tangible fixed assets 106 149
Financial fixed assets 2.967 1.389
FIXED ASSETS 8.002 7.306
Debtors (gross) 818 1.462
Provision for bad debts -100 -392
Debtors 717 1.070
Deposits 11 12
Personnel, prepayments & other receivables 495 155
Receivables and accrued assets 1.224 1.236
Cash & cash equivalents 329 -119
CURRENT ASSETS 1.553 1.117
TOTAL ASSETS 9.555 8.423
Capital 13.795 12.558
Additional paid in capital / Gen. Res. -6.546 -6.459
Income current year 78 48
Currency & Exchange difference -169 -132
Creditors 391 926
Deferred Sales 1.250 456
Accruals 639 979
Pensions & social security premiums 3 12
VAT 3 -105
Other 113 141
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Half year results 2004