Active Biotech - Interim report Jan-Jun 2004

  • Partnership agreement for laquinimod (SAIK-MS) signed with Teva Pharmaceutical Industries
  • TTS CD3 for lung cancer progressing according to plan
  • Collaboration agreement signed with Strathmann Biotec for the production of TTS
  • Patient study for TASQ prostate-cancer project to commence during the second half of the year
  • Phase I study for the SLE project planned to start during the third quarter
  • Net revenues SEK 30.4 M (0.1)
  • Loss after net financial items SEK 77.4 M (loss: 139.3)
  • Loss per share for the period amounted to SEK 2.29 (loss: 7.63)
  • Loss after tax SEK 77.4 M (loss: 139.3)


Active Biotech - Interim report