Invitation Analyst meeting 13 September 2004

Dear Sir or Madam,
We are pleased to invite you to the analyst meeting, during which the activities and results of the 1st half year 2004 of the Ackermans & van Haaren group will be commented.
This meeting will take place on Monday 13 September 2004 at 3 pm in our Brussels offices (Nationale Investeringsmaatschappij, Tervurenlaan 72, 1040 Brussels).  Attached you will find an access map. You can find a public parking place 'Cinquantenaire' nearby.
If you wish to participate to this meeting, please confirm your participation by e-mail to or by telephone on +32/(0)3.897.82.13. 
We are looking forward to meeting you on this occasion.
Yours sincerely,
Brigitte Stockman
Assistant to Mr Jan Suykens, CFO
Ackermans & van Haaren N.V.
Spoorweglaan 1 - 2610 Wilrijk
Tel : 32/3/897.92.13 - Fax: 32/3/225.25.33
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