Nokia and TeliaSonera Finland successfully conduct world's first EDGE-WCDMA 3G packet data handover in commercial network

Leading Finnish mobile operator TeliaSonera Finland has successfully conducted the world's first EDGE-WCDMA packet data handover using Nokia equipment and terminals in a commercial network.  Now TeliaSonera Finland's customers can enjoy seamless continuation of 3G services while roaming between EDGE and WCDMA networks.
TeliaSonera Finland's commercial network has been upgraded by Nokia to support intersystem handovers (ISHO) nationwide and the connection was conducted using the world's first terminal capable of EDGE-WCDMA ISHO - the Nokia 6630 imaging smartphone.
Handovers between WCDMA to GSM/GPRS/EDGE are crucial to quality end user services experience, and are key to the success of the smooth introduction of WCDMA. 
"We are encouraged by the success of this packet data EDGE-WCDMA handover with Nokia. This will mean our customers can enjoy seamless 3G services as EDGE bridges the gap between WCDMA and GPRS performance in urban and rural areas," says Pasi Mehtonen, Vice President, Products and Services, TeliaSonera Finland.
"As the world leader in EDGE technology we are delighted with the success of this packet data handover which marks another important milestone in the smooth evolution of GSM networks to 3G," says Jan Lindgren, Vice President, TeliaSonera Business Team, Networks, Nokia.
"It is significant that these connections were carried out in a commercial GSM/EDGE network that has been upgraded to support handovers from WCDMA. This clearly demonstrates that EDGE enables seemless coverage for 3G service delivery that is complementary with WCDMA," he adds.
Handovers in the direction of WCDMA to EDGE and vice versa - as Nokia and TeliaSonera Finland have now demonstrated - are especially important in the initial phases of commercial WCDMA deployment since WCDMA coverage will, in the early phases, not be as ubiquitous as GSM/EDGE service. 
TeliaSonera Finland Oyj, the Finnish profit centre of TeliaSonera, offers products and services under the Sonera brand.
TeliaSonera is the leading telecommunications company in the Nordic and Baltic regions. At the end of December 2003 TeliaSonera had 11,957,000 mobile customers (37,610,000 incl associated companies) and 8,061,000 fixed customers (9,160,000 incl associated companies) and 1,631,000 internet customers (1,691,000 incl associated companies). Outside the home markets TeliaSonera has extensive interests in the growth markets in Russia, Turkey and Eurasia. TeliaSonera is listed on the Stockholm Exchange, the Helsinki Exchanges and the Nasdaq Stock Market in the USA. Pro forma net sales January-December 2003 amounted to SEK 81.7 billion (EUR 9.01 billion). The number of employees was 26,694.
Nokia is the world leader in mobile communications, driving the growth and sustainability of the broader mobility industry. Nokia is dedicated to enhancing people's lives and productivity by providing easy-to-use and innovative products like mobile phones, and solutions for imaging, games, media, mobile network operators and businesses. Nokia is a broadly held company with listings on five major exchanges.
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