StockPickReport: Nortel and JP Morgan Rated Buy

SHREVEPORT, La., Dec. 3, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Stock-Letter-Daily.Com ( - an affiliate site of StockPickReport, the web's only non-mainstream stock rating service), rates Nortel, J P Morgan Chase & Co, XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc., Mylan Laboratories Inc.


Nortel (NYSE:NT) - BUY

J P Morgan Chase & Co (NYSE:JPM) - BUY

XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc (Nasdaq:XMSR) - SELL

Mylan Laboratories Inc (NYSE:MYL) - SELL

 Friday, December 3, 2004
 StockPickReport Commentary

Mesothelioma (Information on Mesothelioma at: ) is a hot topic in many corporate boardrooms these days. It seems that asbestos-related disease has become a class-action lawsuit bonanza for many attorneys. The impact on the U.S. economy could be significant. One way to gauge the impact of mesothelioma on the U.S. economy is the fact that there are so many new sites online about the disease and the impending lawsuits. This little-known disease could become the next "Three Mile Island".

In other news, the market gave an interesting performance Thursday. Oil prices dropped. Gold prices dropped, but stocks didn't capitalize on that information. Instead, stocks seemed to move according to something else.

That "something else" was the, "Disappointing retail sales figures and an unexpected jump in unemployment claims...", according to an Associated Press report.

In the same AP article, came these two comments from "mainstream Wall Street":

"Obviously retail sales are a major concern going forward, but the falling oil prices will definitely help the market," said Michael Sheldon, chief market strategist at Spencer Clarke LLC. "If we can stabilize around the $40 level, we'll see a pretty good year-end rally in stocks."


"I think what you're seeing here is a little bit of profit taking after a really impressive day yesterday, and the retail figures and unemployment are good triggers for that," said Brian Williamson, equity trader at The Boston Company Asset Management. "There's no real big reason, nothing glaring, for this move to the downside, so we're probably looking at some short-term asset allocation moves out of equities." (Source:

The dollar is getting pounded in world currency markets. Retailers ain't rakin' it in this year (see Wal-Mart's disappointing recent quarter, et al). Oil prices, although down from highs, have been up long enough affect capital spending for the next *few* quarters. The U.S. trade-deficit is at all-time highs. U.S. "tech jobs" continue to be outsourced overseas. And, oh yeah, the U.S. military involvement in Iraq has placed a price tag on our economy that may not be paid without (make that CANNOT BE PAID WITHOUT) either raising taxes, cutting programs, or a combination of both.

Now, before you get too depressed and think, "Gee whiz, won't these StockPickReport folks ever get off this 'market is overbought' bandwagon," please consider that we are simply trying to point out the lack of common sense commentary from biased, "mainstream Wall Street".

We believe now is the time to make money SHORTING stocks, shoring up capital by employing stop/losses. There are plenty of short opportunities right now (for example, we suggested Deere (NYSE:DE) and Halliburton (NYSE:HAL) for the Daytrade service yesterday). Don't be afraid to short stocks. Of course, you need to always employ diligent research, stop/losses, and common-sense, but, just don't be afraid of shorting.

The market going up is not good. The market going down is not bad. They are events that we humans have ascribed emotional terms to. To us, the inherent "goodness" or "badness" of the market swings is more relevant in how it reflects on your portfolio. If your bank account grows or at least does not drop while the market is pulled down, we think that's good.

You know, the U.S. economy and stock markets go through periods of up, and then they go through periods of down. The market is in a 17-year uptrend. But, please don't allow your portfolio to be swayed by too much "mainstream Wall Street" baloney.

Baloney might taste good, but there are more healthy alternatives. For More Commentary Go Here:


StockPickReport.Com ranks stocks with technical analysis. These ratings do not indicate a "long term" view. These ratings reflect an opinion for the short term. These ratings may change based on market conditions.


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"Our analysis is issued solely for informational purposes. We do not offer to sell or buy any stock. This report does not regard your specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs. Our information is based on sources we believe are reliable but are not guaranteed by us as being accurate. We do not purport to offer a complete statement or summary of the available data. Any opinions expressed herein are statements of our judgment as of the date of publication and are subject to change without notice. Reproduction without written permission is prohibited."

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"SPR does NOT guarantee any stock will go up OR down. Information published by SPR or emailed to members is opinion, and opinion only. We believe our information is good, accurate, and helpful. Traders should (in our opinion) make "buy" or "sell" decisions based on variables including (but certainly not limited to!), experience, portfolio size, risk-tolerance, and current market conditions - none of which we can determine."

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If the links to our ratings above do not work, please use these:

 Nortel (NYSE:NT) - BUY

 J P Morgan Chase & Co (NYSE:JPM) - BUY

 XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc (Nasdaq:XMSR) - SELL

 Mylan Laboratories Inc (NYSE:MYL) - SELL


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