Extraordinary general meeting

An extraordinary general meeting of Prosafe ASA was held on 6 December 2004 at 14:00 hours.
All items according to the notice of meeting dated 15 November 2004 were approved.
It was unanimously approved to pay and extraordinary dividend for 2003 of NOK 6 per share. The dividend will be paid to those who are shareholders per 6 December 2004. The dividend will be paid on 21 December 2004.
The extraordinary general meeting resolved also that the share premium reserve shall be reduced by NOK 1.711.955.045,-, from NOK 1.711.955.045,- to NOK 0,-. The reduction amount shall be transferred to the company's free equity. The reduction shall be made after notice to the creditors."
The minutes of the meeting are attached.
Tananger, 6 December 2004


Minutes of meeting